Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:18
It is a leap of faith and also a realistion that I won't get what I want for the price I want to pay. A compromise also.
I've read a few reviews but pretty much all are for a lower spec models with full hd screen. I doubt it covers full Adobe RGB colour space.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:19
This one claims it doesn't even cover full srgb but I will do my own testing with my Spyder
A Review of the Dell - Inspiron 15.6" 4K Ultra HD Touch-Screen Laptop 7000 7548 series -
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:20
I'm having a real trouble finding more info about that screen. I don't even know if it is matte or not after reading and watching quite a few reviews. There are so many different versions of the same laptop that finding one reviewed with similar spec is almost impossible...Most review are for the Full HD version and very little is about that 4K touch screen.
but, TBH, I am beginning to think, I might have jumped on it a little bit too quickly. I'm just not sold on that screen. I'm seriously considering cancelling the order (it has not been shipped yet).
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:21
So as I am working I am watching all the reviews on the second monitor. I just came across this... please please please let the one I bought be the newest model //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif
Looks like it's gloss though 
play from around 1:50
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:22
If it's this one it looks pretty good
A Review of the Dell - Inspiron 15.6" 4K Ultra HD Touch-Screen Laptop 7000 7548 series -
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:23
Dell have a terrible habit of being vague about specs and changing them without changing model numbers.
My 14” laptop shares the model name and number with a completely unrelated laptop which is a massive pita when you’re troubleshooting.
However it’s a great laptop for a very good price so I’ll forgive them.
Assuming you can return then I’d hang on and see what it’s like in the flesh.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:23
That's the older version (see how confusing it is?). I'm hoping the one I ordered is the 2017 model. That's when the better quality 4k screens got into the Inspiron series. As the Dell guy said in the video 100% Adobe RGB straight from the XPS15 model 4k touch screen.
If the one I'm getting is the one as you posted, ie 95% sRGB, ~75% Adobe RGB, then I will be sending it back most likely.
Yup, soooo confusing. If I browse for a review for a Dell Inspiron 15 7570 all sorts of models come up. All the way from TN 1080p 2 core integrated graphics to 4 core dedicate GPU 4k all share the same model numbers. What's worse. They have been calling them the same for years. So 2015 models are called exactly the same as 2017 models. Absolutely ridiculous. In fact I must be out of my mind to be spending so much money and not even knowing what I'm going to get... It's like Xmas. Will I get a good one or a bad one?  Dell, get you $$$$ together.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:25
I'm hoping the one I'm getting is this one. Looking at the specs it's the top of the line one
Inspiron 15 laptop with a thin bezel | Dell UK
but again. Even on their website there isn't much about the screen. I mean, Dell, this is important stuff. If the general public is not interested, at least make a separate info page for people who are 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:25
So come on spill the beans the suspense is killing me you must have received it by now, or have Dell messed up the delivery like they did with my recent order?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:26
It’s windows, it is still booting up 