Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:42

For my usage I'm not fussed about dual card slots so it wouldn't bother me if a camera didn't have them, the fact the Z series are using XQD would put me off.I think the D750 is the only camera I have with dual slots and I've only used the second slot when I've accidentally left the card in the PC after transferring photos.If I'm doing important stuff I tend to backup as I go along separate to the camera.

In many years of shooting using SD cards I've never lost a single photo to one (micro SD and smartmedia are a very different story), back when 16GB were the largest cards I had an own brand MyMemory one fracture along the edge which meant it was intermittently reading but didn't lose any photos from it.

I'm certainly not saying that SD cards never fail nor that no-one needs dual slots, just that it's not a feature I'm bothered about in a camera.

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:42

I was going to say I don't think S is for Silver either as there's premium lenses on that roadmap such as the new F0.95 and the 50mm F1.2 the latter of which I'd have thought would come under a higher grading but also marked as S-line.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:42

I think it grates on me that £2kcameras don’t come with dual slots. For that price I expect all the bells and whistles.

Thumpermawer Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:42

The Silver thing was from a DPReview page (link below), but since then I've only heard it refered to in youtube, none of the official Nikon stuff seems to have it, so you may well be right - it could be an assumption someone has made.

Nikon Z 7 First Impressions Review

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:43

Interesting point of view

12harry Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:43

Sadly, lost the Audio on yr take of Nikon.... my fault prob.

The dual-slot is necessary for Pros, or those using the 4K feature, as the second card can take Stills ( not off 4K, -stills at Full-frame ), there is also a need for mp4 ( for v-blog/internet ), which is separate from the 4K.... Important if at a Wedding "Shoot" - you don't want the final 4K to get messed up with v-blogs.
As to the rest of these new mirrorless, I guess N. has to ask why anyone that needs one hasn't bought from a competitor. Sony are very competent and Canon has a following, but both brands have screwed up on lens-mounts. If N. really wanted to be in with a fresh-breath they should intro a mount to stand the test of time - and allow earlier F-mounts to be adapted.
The issue with "mechanical" is a problem as the camera electronics can't be burdened with providing the motive power ( batteries being a major issue with both DSLR and Mirrorless as the "thinking" is to make a camera-shaped unit.... BUT they don't need to. The person that demands 20 MPx isn't interested in something like a "Compact" -( Er, IMHO), they want something that replaces earlier cameras with new features, which are now possible using technology... Nikon has been "out" of the Mirrorless, having a mind-set that fits SLR - ( now DSLR ) and then a mish-mash of "Bridge" and compacts to get sales when film-compacts fell from favour.

Has anyone told Nikon that.... without something "Super-exciting" most folks will use their phones?

. . . . . By having an under-slung battery-box, N. could solve the Audio-problem that DSLRs suffer - plug-in sockets for mics ( inc radio) and headphone op for checking all is well.
while having enough power to run a F-converter . . . so while the sales of "new-glass" may be slower, existing folk can use their existing glass - and soon realise the softness that brings. Modern lenses are much sharper and lighter - but don't think folk will spend a King's Ransom to gain that "extra-clarity"- rather, they will stick to F-mount glass ( Or buy Sony! )...that gives their Wedding-shoots that "something" that will please both Brides and Parents.

I get the impression that N. had lost their way with customers about Yr2000, when digital looked as though it might replace film.

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:43

While Nikon and Canon try to make a full frame mirrorless camera to stop the masses jumping ship to Sony, they forgot one thing:


Its strongly rumoured that Panasonic will announce a full frame mirrorless model at the end of this month, and that news good be huge!!
All Panasonic really have to do is use the tech already in their GH5 and GH5S, but with a full frame sensor, and its going to be a 2 horse race (Sony & Panasonic).

Although Panasonic have been exclusively micro 4/3rds for the last 10 years, they did release the EVA-1 last year, which uses... guess what?A canon EF mount.

I think Panasonic will make a full frame mirrorless camera that natively accepts all canon EF glass, with all the amazing codecs from the GH5/S, all the assistance tools from the GH5/S (waveform, focus peaking, zebras, vectorscope), the IBIS from the GH5, the unlimited recording time and dual UHS-ii SD card slots from the GH5/S, the flip out screen from the GH5/S, the low light performance of the GH5S, and introduce phase detect autofocus (the one thing their camera's have been lacking).

While the others cripple their cameras in some way to protect their own models, Panasonic have a history of giving their consumers what they want.

I think Panasonic could be the surprise winner in this brewing war.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:43

The Panny FF mirrorless could well take the market by storm, I’m just not sure how well regarded the Panasonic name is in the camera market as far as how bloggs is concerned? They seem to do OK in the consumer market but how will folk see them in the high end FF market?

We all know how good they are, but they are not a name particularly synonymous to cameras compared to Canon, Nikon etc. We all know that Canon could release an absolute pig of a camera and it will sell far better than any offering from any other manufacturer. Is the Panny name strong enough to compete?

Jules Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:44

I think since the storming success of the GH5, yes.That camera brought a hell of lot of people into the Panasonic fold (while still hanging on to their DSLRs) so they could test the waters.   Most were blown away, so Panny might be timing their run perfectly!

I think Sony will maintain the edge in the low light performance of their sensors, while Panasonic will offer every feature anybody wants (including the flip out screen), and possibly 8K.

IMO, there is little chance Canon & Nikon will be able to keep up with either.

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:44

Whilst I agree, I do still feel brand loyalty plays a large part and Canon will outsell others regardless. Panasonic could well have all the bells and whistles but a large proportion of consumers wouldn’t even give it a second look. I hear it all the time from people starting out and I ask them what they’re going to buy and they say Canon. When I ask why the response I always get is “because they’re the best aren’t they” 
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