Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:39
It’s a shame the Noct will be manual focus only, I can’t manually focus f1.8 lenses with pinpoint accuracy let alone 0.95. I wonder how precise peaking will be for this lens?
1080 jawbreaker
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:40
price gouging  its this kind of stunt that makes me almost glad there Mirorrless FF's are garbage.
surely nobody is going to buy into the Nikon MFF eco system.
lets see what Canon come out with. Ill be surprised if there Mirrorless FF isn't crippled in some way.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:40
I have the same 'meh' reaction to these as I did for the first couple of generations of sony FF mirrorless and sony seems to have proven me wrong with their popularity. I can only hope the same thing plays out with nikon's system
1080 jawbreaker
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:40
yeah but who wants to pay top dollar for an inferior camera and over priced glass just to have to upgrade when/if there next models are on par with Sony. Sony must be laughing there arses off
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:40
But that's the thing, I've no doubt that the z cameras will sell in big numbers and Nikon will see it as a success. I can only assume that people don't care about performance or getting good value for money, but as god sakes said the Sony wasn't great yet was a success, and I've no doubt that Nikon's name is enough for people to buy it. Then there's Canon, they could release a FF mirrorless that had one focus point and shot 1 frame every 2 seconds and it would still outsell both Sony's A7's and Nikon's Z's combined 
1080 jawbreaker
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:41
Joe Schmo - " I cant find any good reviews of the new Nikon Mirrorless cameras anywhere" "magazines, social media, youtube, they all say they are rubbish"
"rite im off to jessops to buy 1. Hopefully i'll get a good deal px'ing my old 50mm, that native 50mm must be 4x sharper than the old f mount lens" 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:41
I don't disagree per se but funny enough I had the same thoughts about the earlier sony FF mirrorless offerings compared to (at least what I perceived to be) their superior DSLR competition - people still bought it so who's to say the same wouldn't happen for Nikon
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:41
The new Z mount lenses are branded "S" line, for silver. I don't know about you, but that immediately made me think there could be Gold and perhaps even Bronze line models. Stepping up in price from a £599 50mm f/1.8 would be some going, but would match others. How much is a Canon 50mm f/1.2 these days, £1,300?
Handling on the Nikon's looks to be superior to the Sony's (deeper grip, more ergonomically shaped, surface materials, etc), but those custom buttons between the lens and the grip look a little awkward.
I do wonder, though, if the single card slot is as big an issue as the forums would have us believe. Yes, two would be better. And yes, if I was a pro being paid for work I would care more. But for hobbyists it's a really minor issue. I don't know of any incidents of card failures causing a loss of images among friends. Does anyone have any actual data on card failures?
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:41
The Z (zee?! No, no, "Zed" thank you very much!) lens roadmap has a little more detail - nothing about gold/bronze.
Nikon's three-year lens roadmap includes 58mm F0.95 Noct
much more likely that it relates to the AF motor:
"Adoption of a new, powerful stepping motor (STM) enables quiet and accurate AF control during both still-image capture and video recording"
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:51:41
Interesting, didn't realise the S stood for silver. The camera itself 'looks' good, ergonomically and it just looks less 'toy like' than the A7's imo.
Whilst a single card slot is a big one for me (I get very paranoid when using the EM1 which only has one slot) someone's just posted on TP a poll that DPR did asking what features people want, and dual card slot was 1% of people, I found that VERY surprising.