Best SD card and checking SD card write speeds
I have an Olympus E-M10ii.2x16GB cards - 7Dayshop Professional labelled "upto 20MB/s SD-HC" Class 10 (old!)
2x16GB cards - Sandisk Ultra 80MB/s SD-HC I class 10.
The camera is slower to shut down using the older cards because it's still writing to the card.Given the 20MB/s vs. 80MB/s that doesn't surprise me.
The manual mentions using cards "Class 10 or better" which they all are.
The following types of SD memory card (commercially available) can be
used with this camera: SD, SDHC, SDXC, and Eye-Fi. For the latest
information, please visit the Olympus website Click to expand... and
Memory : SD, SDHC, SDXC and Eye-Fi
UHS-II compatible Click to expand... As the price of SD cards has tumbled since I bought these I was considering buying newer cards to get the best write speed I can.
I don't want to spend more money than I need to get faster cards than the camera can handle as I have no intention of changing body in the foreseeable future.I think that rules out UHS-II but I'm not really up to speed.
I see that 32GB is basically the smallest card you can get with better performance than I have - that's OK as I might do a bit of video if I had the space.
So I have two questions
- Is there a simple utility to check and compare my cards to see what I performance I currently have?If the 7DS cards are really slow then I might retire them entirely.
- What's the fastest card that's worth getting?
I see SanDisk for the Ultra 80MB/s, the Extreme 90MB/s and the Extreme Pro 95MB/s with only £10-14 from one end to the other.Erring towards getting the Extreme Pro but I'm open to suggestions
Cheers  I use the ones you suggest to shoot 4K video. Beware though, make sure you get them from a reliable source. Lots of fakes on Ebay. H2testw 1.4 – Gold Standard In Detecting USB Counterfeit Drives Found a link to that earlier but as it's dated 2008 I wondered if it was still relevant? Still works fine for me  H2testw is still my go to software to test SD cards. I have had many fakes bought off Amazon which have been sent back and also come to the conclusion that not all SD cards of the same Make, model and Specs are equal. They seem to vary quite a lot and often don't live up to the stated specs. h2testw can test the read speed of a card but it can take a while as it's more designed to test the capacity of a card so it fills the entire card then reads it back.
Crystaldiskmark purely does read and write tests so it's a lot quicker to test the speeds and gives more metrics so I'd say it's more useful for testing speeds whereas h2testw is better for testing how genuine a card is.
That is a synthetic benchmark though and the numbers may not always mean much for the camera particularly as there's write speed limits on the camera.With that in mind I quite like the low tech approach of just filling the buffer and timing how long it takes to empty.I've got a Sandisk card which benches fairly well but the in camera performance is atrocious and similarly I've got some ultra fast cards that are no better than my fast cards. I'm unconcerned with read speeds, I don't mind within reason how long downloading to the PC takes.I mainly do that through the camera anyway which I suspect is the bottleneck.
I'm much more interested in write speeds which seem to vary more and are less obvious in card specs.
It would help if Olympus were a bit more explicit about the fastest speeds the camera can support but I'm guessing there are variables like JPEG compression or the complexity of the RAW that affect how much data is compressed and moved as well as the actual bus speed.
This article has at least helped me to understand the differences between various formats.
As the manual suggests "SD, SDHC, SDXC and Eye-Fi UHS-II compatible" I can't buy an incompatible card whish is good! 
SD/SDHC/SDXC Specifications and Compatibility
Thanks for all the replies, I'll check out h2testw and Crystaldiskmark too.Test my current cards and then make a call.
If anyone has a specific recommendation other than SanDisk I'd be interested. Fastest SD Card Speed Tests | Updated January 2019 | Have Camera Will Travel
Camera Tests -Camera Memory Speed Comparison & Performance tests for SD and CF cards
SD and CF Memory Card FAQ -Camera Memory Speed Comparison & Performance tests for SD and CF cards Hmmm that's interesting.
The second link has links to specific cameras.
The E-M10 is rated best with the Sandisk Extreme Pro 95MB/s 32GB at 32.1MB/s in the camera
Olympus E-M10 Card Speed Tests - Fastest memory cards for EM10 -Camera Memory Speed Comparison & Performance tests for SD and CF cards
They also tested the E-M5ii which is slightly earlier than my E-M10ii
Olympus E-M5 II Memory Card Speed Comparison - Fastest SD Card Write Speed and Continuous Shooting Tests in the Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II -Camera Memory Speed Comparison & Performance tests for SD and CF cards
That shows 70-80MB/s using UHS-II cards
As the E-M10ii is quoted as UHS-II compatible would I be better spending a bit more on a UHS-II card to get almost twice the performance? 