shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:04

That would be my choice 

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:05

For a while I was using the Kingston card on that list above as I probably saw a similar article:

It's been replaced by a newer one but at the time it offered similar performance to the Sandisk cards at around double the price although looking at the market now, the prices are a lot closer.I bought the Kingston one for my D750 then bought a few more for the high speed Sony's (RX100m4, RX10m2) which are quite fussy over write speeds and they're fine with the Kingston.

I've used Lexar cards as well but I think they've gone bust since then, I used to be a fan of Transcend cards as they were fast and cheap but they seem to have died off in the UK.

I find speed is important for video work where too slow a card means it can't record the video properly which is an issue with ultra high speed video or 360 degree cameras but for a stills camera I wouldn't fork out a large premium to get a super fast card unless it's one you're constantly hammering the buffer on.


AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:06


This was what I was considering buying

Reviews are OK though a couple of complaints about Fakes that are also listed as Verified.
And a couple of reports of data loss.Much more worrying.

Lexar appear to be alive
Memory Cards - Lexar

Still pondering - I can afford to write off £25 but I don't want to lose any pictures 

JabbaNut Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:07

First it not just about the flash card/ SD card. Cards are designed to be backward compatible. But that is fall back to a older standard to be compatible.What you need is to fully understand the card interface in your Camera. That and Camera firmware, are what really control you maximum read, write speed. If your Camera does not support the modern feature, then it can not use that feature of the modern card.If you use a micro flash/SD card in a full card slot then also the micro to full card adaptor needs to support the modern require feature or high read, write speeds too.

4K video, get a card with V30 rating or faster if the camera, video recorder supports the V standard.

For HD I use Lexar 633x micro SDHC US-1, V10, A1, u1, class 10, 32GB. Only 20MB/s write 95 MB/s read

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:08

I f worried about fakes then the h2testw app will test the capacity as well as the read/writeability and performance ..... Or have fakes of the correct size been reported?

Johnmcl7 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:09

That's not actually Lexar, Micron shut them down and a Chinese based company called Longsys bought the Lexar brand.As far as I'm aware, these cards are not actually anything to do with Lexar apart from the name.I have read comments about them being unreliable but it's hard to tell without better data as I've had genuine Sandisk and Samsung cards fail straight out the packet.


JabbaNut Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:09

Long Live Lexar -- Popular SD-Card Brand Saved By Longsys Aquisition | Digital Trends

Ex-Lexar execs have launched a new memory card company, here's why you should care

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:11

Dunno - A couple of users moaning they have fakes, a couple more complaining they've had failures.
Unfortunately I know from bitter experience that Amazon cheerfully cross link reviews from one listing to another.So a dodgy listing from the MarketPlace and one from Amazon themselves can share the same good and bad reviews inc the Verified status.
Someone from Lexar Support has responded to all the 1 star reviews and it's sold by Amazon direct so I'm reasonably confident
I've punted £26 on it and I'll see how it works out 
That was less than my budget for 2 x 16GB cards.

That's the problem isn't it?The larger the card the more possibility there is for you to lose a lot of data.As a general rule I transfer and back up pretty regularly.
On holiday I do it every day and usually after any single day shoot.
On hols I tend to copy everything to the laptop each evening and once a card is full I leave it behind as a second copy.

I'll run a few tests on the card when it arrives, if it's shady then it'll go back.If not I'll treat it with some caution for a bit.

Thanks for all the help and advice - I'll let you know how I get on 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:12

Shame they are now out of stock.....

Lexar Professional SD Card SDHC Class 10 UHS-II 32GB | 7dayshop

But this is a great deal IMO

Lexar Professional SD Card SDHC Class 10 UHS-I 64GB | 7dayshop

JabbaNut Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:13


Sandisk Extreme SDHC Memory Card UHS-1 Class 10 32GB | 7dayshop
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