Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:14
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:15
Might help
Fastest Micro SD Card Speed Tests | 2019 | Have Camera Will Travel
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:16
I can fully appreciate the point about relying on a card as I tend to stick with a limited number of cards, when I found the Kingstons worked well I bought a few more to use in all my cameras.Recently I've bought a few Sandisk Extremes which work well so I'm sticking with them for now.
I do find SD cards are very reliable and I think in all the years I've used them I can only think of one that failed and that was a physical failure as the side had sheared off the casing on a MyMemory branded card.Possibly had a single 8GB card as well but it's that long ago I can't remember which is not bad given all those I've used.
With microsd cards though I find them a lot more delicate and I've had a lot of failures, definitely genuine cards so I don't know if it's just the way the way the memory is tightly packed in makes them less reliable.
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:17
Yup that's a cracking deal on the UHS-II Card.I added an "email when you have stock" alert yesterday in case it comes back in but I doubt it.
The 64GB card is brilliant value but I'd sooner have the speed than the capacity.
Last big trip to Japan I filled 3x16GB cards in 2 weeks so I don't really need 64GB.
A decent deal too but slower than the 32GB card and lower capacity than the 64GB Lexar Shotokan suggested.I don't mind paying a bit more for the faster card.
I've had two serious card problems in all the time I've been shooting (crosses fingers).
One was a 16GB card in my Olympus E-PL5.I formatted the card in my PC then set off on a trip.All looked to be good, taking pictures and previewing OK but when I downloaded there were lots of corrupted images.I suspect I formatted in the wrong format and it started corrupting the file structure when it hit a byte limit somewhere.User error but very sad as we were on a once in a lifetime month long trip down the Western USA.I didn't lose everything but enough to be disappointment.
Second one was a carelessly ejected SD card - a Class 6 16GB card.I pinged off the lock switch so I didn't lose any images but the card is useless now as there is no reliable way to disable write protect and use it again.Not keen on having bits of tape, superglue etc. floating around in the cameras - it's an old, cheap card so no great loss.
Once thing that this whole exercise has shown is there is a lot more to an SD Card than just and SD Card shape!I now know more than I wanted to about SD, SD-XC, SD UHS-I and UHS-II
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:17
Card arrived on Sunday - just run this test which shows the card is the correct capacity... and my card reader is very slow 
My laptop verified the data at 25 MByte/s (read speed)
Downloading from the camera direct over my USB3 port only gave me 15MBytes/s
Just out of curiousity I checked the new card in the camera as a USB drive - same speed over my rubbish old USB hub or direct to the USB 3 port so it's definitely the camera that's the bottleneck.
I did a quick burst check on the camera.I got 30 JPG Super Fine RAW shots in 10 seconds.The first burst is very quick as it fills the buffer then it slows noticeably as you would expect.
At some point when I've cleaned all my cards and backed all my images up I'll do it again.
I did another quick test - take a picture then immediately turn off the camera.
With the 80MB/s card it took a count of 5 (seconds) to stop flashing the card icon and retract the lens.
With the 150MB/s card it took just over 1.
Not very scientific but it does a bit to validate there was a point to buying the quicker interface 
Publish time 2-12-2019 06:44:17
Just had a notification from 7DS that this is back in stock - £19.99 so £6.55 less than I spent at Amazon.
Of course Amazon have dropped their price to beat it £19.88 
I've barely used mine so far and as I can go a long time before I fill a 16GB card I won't be buying a second but perhaps of use to someone else.