loz Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:50

But if you look at the size of the lenses (not the bodies they are attached to), there isn't an awful lot of difference

Compact Camera Meter

Native mount M43 or Canon EF-M telephoto lenses are not going to be much smaller than their DSLR mount equivalents.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:50

I was referring to the lenses but you're right - I've just compared the "bare lenses" and I'm surprised that the M4/3 Panny isn't "that much" smaller - I did think it was MUCH smaller - it's obviously just small enough - and the much more compact hood helps with the pocketability

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:50

I was surprised as well, and when you start getting up to the higher end CSC's, or some of the Lumix ones they're not 'that' much smaller body wise either 

But let's face it, the OMD's just look cool and who wouldn't want one for that alone  

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:50


Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:51

Anyhow. I was very impressed with the EPL-5 and decided to pick up the dual lens kit.

Only had a short play but the screen is very responsive and AF is very quick.

The controls will become more intuitive for sure and I did decide that while WiFi and NFC were interesting it wasn't enough to sway me towards the NEX series. The Olympus has a reassuring weightiness to it and felt a bit nicer. The others didn't feel as good at my intended price range either in fairness so thanks for suggesting this one - it was otherwise going unnoticed per se.

OH hasn't played yet but she has seen it and likes the styling. I got a non tech friend to try out the single touch picture taking facility via the screen and he was extremely impressed at the simplicity of it.

Low level on the short kit lens isn't too bad but definitely want to get the 17mm pancake before honeymoon. Should get some more time with it later today and get to grips.

The articulating screen is very stiff, but I am assuming that gets easier with more use?

Are there any other must have or bargain MFT lenses that people recommend to have a look at?

Cheers again - I'm enjoying reading about people's opinions here and like that or doesn't descend into petty arguments like some other sections ... !

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:51

Screen on mine isn't stuff at all. It stays in place but I wouldn't call it stiff. I do like the way you peep it over the top to take an arms length self portrait or a timer one.

Mine came with a Toshiba flashair card which the camera supports as a native wifi card accessible through the menus. If wifi is important a 8gb card was about £40 but you might be able to get an eyefi card cheaper second hand.

I picked up the 17mm f2.8 Olympus which I like but haven't used too much so far. About £80-100 secondhand. There is some m43 kit in the classifieds here.

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:51

Oh and if you're looking for a pocketable pancake zoom the Panasonic power zoom is worth a look.

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:52

Yeah the 17mm or 14mm would be perfect for what I'm hoping to achieve in terms of flat and portable but haven't seen any for those prices as yet.

Which power zoom do you refer to specifically? Cheers!

DolbyDan Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:53

20mmF/1.7 or Oly 25mmF/1.8

loz Publish time 2-12-2019 06:20:54

Did you quote me in error, or was there some relevance?
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