Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:22

I haven't got them, but they had some great reviews, and the price is very good. Also compared to dSLR you won't have the focus fine tune issues, so they should be sharp....

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:23

Sequential H and Sequential L - quick google confirms what I interpreted this as, at least on the EPL-5.

In sequential 'H' (high), the camera (can't) doesn't alter the AF and delivers the full 8fps (ninja edit: that is, AF is locked from the first frame of course - my wording wasn't perfect).

In sequential 'L' (low), C-AF will work and shoots at around 3.6fps with IS off and around 3fps with IS on.

May be different specs on some other models, but isn't unique to the EPL-5 in terms of the High/Low AF/CAF.

Lifted from Olympus themselves on the E-M10 spec page:

Continous Shooting Burst Rate

Up to 8 fps in Single Autofocus mode (S-AF)

Up to 3.5 fps in Continous Autofocus mode (C-AF)

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:23

Thanks for this - I am considering them as a viable alternative (I have a pancake wanted thread ... ), but have never really used Sigma/Tamron et al in the past. I'm sure they're all decent in the grand scheme of things!

My 50mm f/1.8 Canon prime is dire in terms of quality - dust, bubble in lens, focus issues ... ! Would be nice to experience better 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:23

In sequential 'H' (high), the camera (can't) doesn't alter the AF and delivers the full 8fps (ninja edit: that is, AF is locked from the first frame of course - my wording wasn't perfect).

In sequential 'L' (low), C-AF will work and shoots at around 3.6fps with IS off and around 3fps with IS on.

May be different specs on some other models, but isn't unique to the EPL-5 in terms of the High/Low AF/CAF.

Lifted from Olympus themselves on the E-M10 spec page:

Continous Shooting Burst Rate

Up to 8 fps in Single Autofocus mode (S-AF)

Up to 3.5 fps in Continous Autofocus mode (C-AF)

Well I must admit that it was a "how to setup" type guide for the E-M5 that I actually used for my E-M10...

User Guide: Getting the most out of the Olympus E-M5: Digital Photography Review

Thanks - apologies for that I think I'm getting this confused with the "IS Enabled during burst shooting" facility //

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:23

No need to apologise at all  While I am happy with moving to the M43 format, I did accept this "limitation" as such. There's plenty of discussions about the CAF (lower) FPS being pretty acceptable, but occasionally the system getting a bit distracted and ending up as hit or miss.

3 fps is still pretty decent with CAF in my opinion, so I certainly don't mind. For people wanting to shoot fast moving sports and the like, it may be a deal-breaker - but I recall seeing that some of the newer bodies are better for this (I may be completely mistaken though).

On a side note, I have found a good few Panasonic f/2.5 14mm pancake lenses in mint used condition for under £100... so might take the plunge. Marginally better by a half stop compared to the 17mm, but again - I know people are split in their opinions 

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:23

Please don't start tempting me with a pocketfull of primes 

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:24

I've taken the plunge and ordered one. It looks to be properly mint, so I can't really complain for the money. Worst case scenario, I can always offload it to someone else and take a small hit for finding out - it's 3mm slimmer than the 17mm prime as well I believe. Should be perfect for darker shooting (i.e. restaurants etc on honeymoon...) - plenty of time to find out if it's not any good!

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:24

can/dare I ask where you found it ?

snerkler Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:24

Got to say the burst shooting of the a6000 looks impressive (in C-AF too)  Trouble with the 'nex' range is that there's only one control dial per se on the top of the camera, so it doesn't look as though there's a quick exp comp or quick ability to change ISO. Looks like you have to use the wheel on the back which would mean taking your eye away from the viewfinder to use it. Also, if in manual mode I assume it can only be used to control either aperture or shutter not both meaning you'd have to dive into the menus and/or use the controls on the rear?
Without hands on it's difficult to say, perhaps you could assign a button to change the function of the control wheel? Also, how much of a 'drama' this would be in actual use I don't know. I have got used to having 2 control wheels and quick access buttons for ISO and WB etc.

Qactuar Publish time 2-12-2019 06:21:24

CameraJungle. Never used them before, but it's over £100 (delivered), so is covered by the credit card.

Panasonic 14mm f/2.5 ASPH LUMIX G in Mint condition | Ref 202219 | Camera Jungle.

They seem fairly decent on the face of things (ex manager at Nikon is part of the start-up I think), and it's less hassle than eBay to buy the same lens, where there are only a couple kicking about. The 17mm f/2.8 prime is about the same price buy it now on eBay too, so it's an easy decision for me in that respect.

Will obviously report back on the service - it's promised to be here tomorrow.
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