aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:11

Which VR Game are you playing or completed ATM (and review/recommendations)

So I've noticed a general trend on this VR forum that everyone talks about hardware but not software and experiences so I thought I'd create this topic.

Just completed Defector on the Rift S.

Good game, would give it a 6.5/10.

Some decently cool mechanics but I feel like its kind of a show reel of VR gimmicks. I didn't like the branching paths and would rather they just doubled the games length and added locations so we could experience them all in one play through. I thought the graphics are really variable. Some character models and lighting look amazing then others look crap. I didn't get a strong sense of VR presence and the dialogue system was very un-immersive. Each level is really different, as in too different. I also didn't like the amount of time it puts you in a seated position, which just feels strange when you're actually standing up IRL. Combat was very average. I think its above average because of what it tried to do, rather than what it accomplished but its definitely not a must play IMO. Its decent value for money length wise, it just lacks the actual polish or greatness to really hype it up much.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:12

Still playing No Mans Sky

Epic Game in ambition and delivery. 10/10

Played on Index

Rare do I give anything 10/10 but I feel NMS deserves no less. .

I never played NMS before the Beyond update, and VR was the reason to purchase.

Theres not much you can't do in NMS, build bases, explore, search, dogfight, mine, discover.
Its a real life sink hole and the hours pass by before you know it - more than I care to mention - cough 150h.

I've pretty much completed all the base building and main story arcs and I have most of the toys. S class Multi Tool, Suit maxed out, S class starship, S class Capital Ship and 150million in the bank with more on tap.

I've started my way to the Galactic core using the Black Holes. Only 450million more light years to go. I hope I dont die before I get there.

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:14

I'll need to play this game at some point. Is it better seated?

I'm going to start Asgards Wrath soon. Just putting it off until I complete GTA V and get some rift S lens protectors as I hate wearing glasses in VR.

I was going to wait for myself to buy an Index before playing asgards but everyone that I've asked who owns both headsets prefers playing it on the Rift S for controller and performance reasons. Bit of ashame. Also my RTX 2080 probably wont be able to power through it on the Index anyway.

Atmos Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:15

I play NNS seated. Grabbing that virtual HOTAS with the Knuckles just feels so right.

I don’t own AW so can’t comment on performance.

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:16

Oh god, I imagine that is absolutley incredible! HOTAS   knuckles is surely god tier VR.
when I played NMS on the index, I found planets especially looks very 2D when looking at them from far away but the person whos index i played it on had his settings all wrong.. like 120hz refresh rate, graphics settings weren't tuned in clearly, felt very laggy.

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:16

I'm still playing No Man's Sky, am about 75 hours in so far and am REALLY happy with it. The game is now number three in my Best Games Of All Time list, with Elite Dangerous number one and the Speccy version of Elite number two.

The only criticism I have of the game so far is that I wasn't happy with the ending of the Abyss DLC but apart from that everything is awesome.

I can't wait to see what these guys come up with next!

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:17

Going to get back into NMS soon. Downloaded BeatSaber last night to finally see what all the hype is about after resisting for months. It’s....strangely addictive.

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:18

So I've played:

1. Thrill of the Fight (quest)
Tried to play this tethered.. just didn't fell right. On the quest its amazing. I don't care about the graphical fidelity loss, I can actually run, back away, go left, go right, and the AI responds so well! I thought the roomscale might break the game but not at all.
I could only manage 2 fights before being too tired to continue. I had shoulders day so couldn't risk really injurying myself playing a game before it.

2. Lone Echo (Rift S)
Its awesome in regards to atmosphere and clearly the most beautiful game VR has to offten. Liv's animations and facial expressions are beautiful. It also does dialogue VERY well for a VR game. The only game I prefer for dialogue is SkyrimVR with the voice recognition patch.

KingD Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:19

Personally I like focussed story driven ames/campaigns, I dont like online multiplayer or games where you just wander around making things that never really end, so just going to do some brief reviews of what Ive played through in no particular order.

1. Achangel Hellfire: Not bad, on rails mech shooter thats reasonably well presented, quite short but means it doesnt overstay its welcome, solid- 6/10

2. Batman Arkham VR: Game from early on in VR, well enough presented but more of an experience than game, mainly point and click style puzzle solving. Also very short, worth picking up on the cheap only- 5/10

3. Blasters of the Universe: Bullet Hell wave shooter, quite enjoyed this as its fun to learn the bullet hell patterns rather than just mindlessly blasting, typical kinda lenght for wave shooter- 6/10

4. Doom VFR: took a while to get used to the controls (you have to turn around yourself to aim all around) good graphics when dialled up, very short but decent.- 6/10

5. Edge of Nowhere: 3rd Person adventure/action romp with a horror theme set in the artic, I really enjoyed this one, even though it wasnt perfect, a little too much climbing walls and not enough action, but nice to play a "proper" title on VR - 7/10

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:21:20

Batman Vr.. I found the beginning and the end some of my favourite moments in VR. But the middle is SOOOOO bad.
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