Personally I like focussed story driven ames/campaigns, I dont like online multiplayer or games where you just wander around making things that never really end, so just going to do some brief reviews of what Ive played through in no particular order.
1. Achangel Hellfire: Not bad, on rails mech shooter thats reasonably well presented, quite short but means it doesnt overstay its welcome, solid - 6/10
2. Batman Arkham VR: Game from early on in VR, well enough presented but more of an experience than game, mainly point and click style puzzle solving. Also very short, worth picking up on the cheap only - 5/10
3. Blasters of the Universe: Bullet Hell wave shooter, quite enjoyed this as its fun to learn the bullet hell patterns rather than just mindlessly blasting, typical kinda lenght for wave shooter - 6/10
4. Doom VFR: took a while to get used to the controls (you have to turn around yourself to aim all around) good graphics when dialled up, very short but decent. - 6/10
5. Edge of Nowhere: 3rd Person adventure/action romp with a horror theme set in the artic, I really enjoyed this one, even though it wasnt perfect, a little too much climbing walls and not enough action, but nice to play a "proper" title on VR - 7/10 |