Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:29
I've heard it won't work on the Index is this true?
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:30
Where did you hear that?
Since it's a Valve game (presumably) created to promote Valve hardware this seems highly unlikely.
Since it's not even formally announced yet, this just seems like a daft rumour that only a silly fool would believe,
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:30
Sorry mate it was a silly joke, based on the fact it's a Valve game for Valve hardware as you say.
The excitement is ruining my humour, which was previously impeccable.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:30
lol i would be a sizable sum against that.
i doubt it will natively support the rift, (however pretty sure it will work on that as well)
edit... should have read whole thread!.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:30
Half-Life: Alyx A VR Return to Half-Life. Set between Half-Life and Half-Life 2, Alyx Vance and her father Eli mount an early resistance to the Combine's brutal occupation of Earth. /proxy.php?image=
Well this looks pretty good and according to the support section on the site it supports all the major headsets including the tethered Oculus Quest! I am a little disappointed that is not out this year but I still have a few games to play and intend the binge on Red Dead 2 when it his Steam next month.
Presuming Ed
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:30
Not convinced yet.
I don't like aliens, but I do like washing machines.
So it may still be for me.
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:30
Nice!! and we still have valave's 2019 VR game they promised to look forward to!!
Nivek TT
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:31
Must admit the trailer felt 'familiar' so may be I'm more comfortable in the Half-life universe than I thought.
It looks fantastic, graphics look beautiful both technically and artistically. If it has the dynamic resolution scaling of robo repair throughout, I'm drooling!
Looks scary though. Seeing a headcrab leap at the screen... I'm not sure I wanna experience that in VR!
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:31
Trailer looks terrific, I'm on board the hype train!
Cue lots of moans from the pancakers...
Publish time 2-12-2019 05:19:31
I need this game in my veins. Right NAO!!!
After seeing that trailer I am now on the Hype Train.
It's a shame that we won't get one of the main benefits of playing Half Life in VR seeing Alyx's arse up close in VR.  