Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:48

I've a GTX 1080 so not a million miles from the performance of a GTX 2070. 120 fps causes Steam to recommend I drop down to 80% super sampling. If I set things to 90 fps then Steam is recommending something around 140% super sampling. So there are some compromises to be made but you should see a good performance in almost everything.

I'm sticking with my GPU for now but likely gonna be upgrading to a xTX 30x0 (or whatever Nvidia call it) or may be AMD later next year. Hopefully for 120 fps at 150% supersampling. I concluded 150% was the sweet spot on my Vive.

Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:48

That is nice to hear!
I am not worried about not having everything absolutely maxed out 

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:49

My guess would be the next Nvidia card being 21xx. We went from 10xx to 20xx because there was a major change with ray Tracing and unless there's another change coming I think Nvidia will return to their traditional naming convention. Otherwise they'll end up either running out of numbers due to going between 30xx and 90xx pretty quickly or they'll have to start from 100xx lol

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:49

21xx doesn't sound marketable.

i think they will therefore go for 3xxx. Nvidia's aim isn't to name their products sensibly, its to get people to buy as many graphics cards as possible.

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:50

Agreed - they pretty much want the most significant digit to be incrementing because that's what our easily-fooled brains read first and go "ooooo....3 is better than 2".

Nivek TT Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:51

They went from 1060 to 1660. They don't understand numbers //

chopples Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:52

Agree with this, Nvidia will not be bothered about running out of numbers, this is probably the 3rd time cycling through the series since they bought the tech from voodoo and started making geforce cards

Sunshinewelly Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:53

waited until today to see what steam would do - oh hum never mind - order placed for an index and controllers.

Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:53

Damn you! iI was gonna wait until Monday but now I don’t think I can! It probably won’t go on sale anyway considering it’s so new and half life Alyx is announced

aoaaron Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:54

Valve aren't going to sale the Index until its readily been available at RRP everywhere in the world commercially. It would literally be cutting guaranteed profits for the sake of having a sale.

I think our first Index price drop will come MAYBE 6 months after Alyx's release.

Until then it just doesn't make sense. People were buying the Index WITHOUT tailored content. Now they have that announced, they'll get a flood of new buyers. Then they'll get a second wave of new buyers once the 10/10 reviews come out from IGN and Gamespot, and finally they'll get a second wave of buyers 3-6 months post Alyx launch for those who didn't have the money for when the reviews dropped.

THEN I think we'll see a price drop.

The only thing that can change the price IMO is Oculus throwing a spanner in the works and releasing a £700-800 high end VR headset (which they're not going to do as they've set up camps in the portable VR market and in the £350 VR market).
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