Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:43

First of all I would like to say thank you for your responses.

thesnowdog, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond with such length and also because you dare to try to persuade me. I have pretty much made up my mind today about which headset I am getting and it is going to be the Valve Index. Although I compleatly understand your point with the tracking. And I also belive you are correct, most developers wont use the finger tracking features at all.
It just happened to be that I have the money at the moment to spend on a Valve Index and I feel like I would miss out on the finger tracking, and also some other minor features, if I didnt have it. But as I stated, mainly the controllers. I just feel like it would be so much more natural to pick stuff up by grabbing something and letting go by, well, letting go.
The quest is not really something I am interested in, at least at the moment. I just invested in a rtx 2070 to be able to run VR games on my desktop.
Thank you for the suggestion though I really do appreciate it!

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:43

Bear in mind that you get the game free with the Index, if that's any consolation...

Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:43

Haha I know  I have been checking both the Index and Half Life Alyx steam page multiple times each day. I feel like I am ready! I guess its a little consolation actually since I want both anyway

thesnowdog Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:44

No worries, the Index is a great headset and you'll very much enjoy;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Once you get it there are 3 things that you MUST do as soon as you possibly can:

1) Get yourself a steering wheel and HOTAS controller and try playing some sims.

2) Try playing some horror games - the Alien Isolation VR Mod and Dreadhalls are the joint two scariest VR games with Five Nights At Freddy's Help Wanted VR coming a VERY close third. Just make sure you have clean underwear handy before you start playing any of them lol

3) Check out VR Porn. The SLR app is free and has 12 or 24 free videos to watch (12 if you just download the app and jump in, 24 if you register and sign in to the app). VR Porn is absolutely incredible. Apparently. So a friend has told me. 

ArmitageShanks Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:44

Definitely agree about sims. Room scale VR is amazing with the controllers, but don't completely ignore seated experiences. I can certainly recommend investing in a wheel and pedal setup (the Logitech G29 or G920 are good starter options and frequently discounted, at least on the UK rainforest) and getting Project Cars 2 or ACC.

And VR pron of course.

Either will be the most fun you can have sitting down.

Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:45

Thank you guys for the suggestions! I will definitely check it out!
I feel like I have a whole new world to explore!

mb3195 Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:46

depending on the game, this may not be powerful enough for the index. I only do sim racing, I’ve got a 2080ti which is fine, but still need to play about with settings to get it to run properly.

Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:46

Thats good to know!
I feel like it should be able to handle most games. I dont need to max out all the settings. I got a way to good of a deal for the 2070 

Presuming Ed Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:47

Is the deal on the 2070 still out there to be had?!

Douglasp Publish time 2-12-2019 05:12:48

No sorry, it was a one day deal at a re-opening of a store in my town. I got it for about half the price 
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