Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:01
So BDS of Milton Keynes took the TV and called the next day to say it was fixed. However BDS are a little slow and it finally arrived back today, 19 days later following a call to Toshiba.
I was somewhat suprised that it showed a weak signal from the front of the aerial and a strong one from the back, which the technician was unable to explain. He said all his workshop had done was another software download. So why did they need to take it away?
In the evening when watching programmes it quickly became apparent that the TV was unwatchable as it blanked for a second every few minutes on both BBC and ITV. However as a workaround the tuner in the digital recorder was able to deliver a signal.
I feel another phone call to Toshiba is due...
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:01
Regza 32". No DTV. Menus flash on screen for less than 1 second then gone.
4 year old set as at Sept 2011..this fault suddenly happened in Nov 2011.
Thanks to advice on this forum called Toshiba customer service. Immediatly told me it was a 'known fault' and thus a 'non- chargeble repair'.
Theyasked me if I had a box for it chance at this time, so they arranged for DPD to collect it AND bring a box for it. The DPD service was 1st class..even texting me the 1 hour collection slot! The box was a heavy duty carboard complete job with a large protective polystyrene bag to cover the set and 4 moulded corner pierces to stabilise the set in the box.
I week later...the reverse delivery servce from DPD ...with the 1 hour slot again!
TV now A1....and picture is if anything IMPROVED !!!!
minor gripe.......fabulous TV transport box c/w corner pieces etc was left with me.Anyone want it?
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:02
And well done AVForums, indeed all online discussion forums that help consumers//
I'm not familiar with a courier with one hour slots and anyway I'd taken the view that having a technician visit would be more effective than having the set collected and having to stay at home a second time to have it delivered. However I wasn't expecting the appalling "service" from their agent in Milton Keynes. You clearly made the right decision!
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:02
Well this has just happened to mine a 42 inch 3030, exactly the same issues, freeview not working, but analogue (if there were any channels) and all other inputs work fine. So I guess I'll have to just till Monday to phone up Toshiba and get my free repair for this known issue.
Strange thing is in the fours years i've owned I don't think i've ever switched it off, always left it in standby, so its a bit odd its taken this long for the firmware update to fail via update.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:03
Make sure that you make it clear you have 'consulted AV forums' etc ...i.e...'I know the score'. NB Analogue etc a red herring....not worth even mentioning to Toshiba...stick to the 'known fault'
I hope you have the same tretement as I did.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:03
Contacted Toshiba today, explained the 'known' issue and they were very helpful. Sadly they insist that the tv must be picked up to be fixed, denied that it could be done in place and that some hardware needed replacing.
Shame as I have no idea how long the fix will take or when i'll get it back, which is going to be a pain so close to xmas. Not sure I can face going back to my old 24 crt for the xbox, so I hope its no more than a couple of days.
Bit annoyed that i'm responsible for packing the TV too, since its a 42inch, granted its not particularity heavy but going to be damn awkward to box it on my own.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:03
If the alternative was their Milton Keynes agents you're MUCH better off having it collected from wdroberts experience. I spoke to a DPD courier I encountered who showed me the 'one hour window' on his handheld device.
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:04
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:04
This fault has just happened to my4 year old toshiba tv, so I phone Toshiba, they was just about to get book an engineers visit to fix it free of charge, when they noticed I bought it from Amazon. Apparently Amazon buy out the warrantiesso Toshibawont fix it, even though its a known fault, I have to go through amazon (if they agree a fix it wont be free I bet)
Toshibacustomer services are a Bl**dy waste of space
Looks like I will have to get a new TV and It wont be a Toshiba!:image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
Publish time 1-12-2019 22:29:04
Why not just contact Amazon first before jumping to conclusions.
Toshiba are probably the best Tv company in the UK when it comes to customer service.
I'm sure if you politely point out to Amazon that this fault is repaired free by Toshiba they'll have procedures in place to do the same.