WozzaB Publish time 28-11-2019 02:48:10

Yeah, it's a nice rounded sound now, nothing overpowering anything else. The Q's are sounding better as well, I guess they've loosened up now.

WozzaB Publish time 28-11-2019 02:48:11

Really enjoying the setup now, I've tried using the DAC in the cdp and amp, some tracks I can't tell any difference to be honest, but a few tracks do sound more spacious(still haven't got the terminology down!) via the Audiolab DAC, those same tracks seem to soar a touch more as well, and a slightly bigger sense of scale to a few orchestral tracks I've listened to!

These are not massive differences, but quickly flicking back and forth via the inputs, you can clearly hear the sound change as I've mentioned.

Now I'm toying with the idea of the matching Audiolab 6000N streaming kit!! I do like to mooch through my cd's and carefully load one into the cdp, it adds a bit a theatre to it all but there are so many tracks available at the press of a button that it's tempting to have both options!
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