Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:59
I guy I use to work with had reel to reel and some serious kit to back it up, was well into hifi, that would have been back in 1972. It was a long long time until I heard anything better than that. Big into The Beatles on vinyl with huge speakers. Thankfully he lived on his own in a detached bungalow.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:59
Same here, found these in my wardrobe! Some must be from the 80's...
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:24:00
I think if I owned a Revox, it would be on display rather than hidden away!
I have nothing so exotic.I do have a couple of Sony TC377's - they were perfectly good 'budget' decks in their day and as was typical of Sony from that period, very well put together.
I had a Philips N4416 reel-to-reel which partially conked out when the solenoid to engage 'play' failed to function.I couldn't find anyone who could repair it (at the time) and bought the Sony as it had the same tape head setup as the Philips, so could play the tapes already recorded on the Philips.The Philips looked a lot more modern and sophisticated, but the Sony was a far better engineered machine - it's still going!
I also have an ancient (1950's? era) Philips (valve) portable tape recorder - did I mention that I was a hoarder? 
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:24:00
Funny you mentioned the Sony TC377.I have previous with that model also. In the mid 1970s I was doing research and we wanted equipment to record the arrival tines of Cosmic Ray events. The previous equipment used punched paper tape. So I had the idea of recording as blips on tape. ..the other stereo channelrecording the Rugby Time Code
Anyway with these recorders and by modifying the capstan speed .. it was electronically adjusted ,we could slow them down to record a full days data in real time. That was actualy a bonus as we had expected to have to machine down the spindle . I recall opening one up to adjust it and was astonished to see a monkey nut husk fall out!. .It presumably had been there since the factory.
brian s
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:24:00
This is on Radio 4 Extra at the moment.
/proxy.php?image= BBC Radio 4 Extra - Hardware, Software, Anywhere Nick Baker collects some programmes about how technology has changed our physical world. /proxy.php?image=
I think there's much to interest many of the contributers to this thread. It's covering virtual reality at the moment but they have covered vinyl, cassette and CD. It should be on iPlayer before too long.