Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:57
"Oh, it nearly always gets sidetracked into that tired debate, even though not one person on here has actually said that Vinyl sounds better than CD."
The substrand commenced when Simonblue mentioned" better " and" deluded "
I was very slow on the uptake this morning... Nice one.!
brian s
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:57
I had intended using a smilie which would've alerted you to the fact that there was a joke in there but my smillie option has stopped working again. I've had problems on both my tablet and phone since the recent site upgrade.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:58
Spooky, just listening to Gil Evans - The Time of the Barracudas...
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:58
I never " mentioned" better " and" deluded " in any of my post ?
brian s
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:58
A classic.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:58
Apologies..it was DH in the next posting...
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:58
Derek S-H
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:59
Do you mean me?
I didn't say anything about Vinyl being "better" either! Looking back rigorously over the Thread (sad, I know ), it was #Post 36 that first mentions Vinyl owners being "deluded":
"Got to love Vinyl lovers, they delude themselves into thinking vinyl is better then digital and the fact is it is not."
Anyway, great news about cassette!  I still have a tape Walkman (metal body!) and it's a bloody nightmare trying to find affordable blank Chrome tapes (the best). Ferric sound dull and Metal are way too expensive, so they are the best compromise for performance/price.
I remember buying a five-pack of TDK SA for £3 in HMV in the last century; now they're £10 for ONE online! 
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:59
As a hoarder, I still have a few cassette decks and reel-to-reel tape recorders hidden away in the attic.I also have some of those TDK SA five-pack cassettes tucked away too.I had no idea they had increased so much in value.
Not so sure about cassette decks, but there is something rather appealing about watching a reel-to-reel deck going about its business.That aside, I just love the sheer convenience of digital and I transferred all my valuable recordings over to the computer some time ago.
Similarly, as much as I love my Linn Sondek it very rarely gets used these days as I'd rather just sit back and access my music collection via the PC / Laptop.
One thing I have noticed though, is that many of my older vinyl recordings (even those I've transferred to digital) do seem to sound better than more recent recordings.When editing some of these using something like 'Audacity' software, it is quite noticeable how much more variation there is in the dynamic range (if that's the correct term) compared with modern 'start loud, stay loud, end loud' recordings.
Publish time 28-11-2019 01:23:59
Reel to reel!. Wow, quality kit from the likes of Revox are now collector items. There is nothing wrong with their sound quality if the tape is run fast enough.. Nostalgia!!!. I once picked up in a defunct HiFi shop a none working National Panasonic RS790... My memory is not that good, but the pictures on the web indicate that model. It was non working because some idiot had connected the USA model into European mains.. . I got it working by bypassing one of the transformers and used it for a number of years. A real or reel beast of a machine. Looked nice from outside,but an incredible maze ofwiring and little boards inside. Autoreverse, multispeed. But since it was a US model, the main motor was designed for 60 Hz ,and so the spindle speed was always slow... it did not matter to me, but I would have been unable to swop tapes with any one else. They were incredibly complex mechanically,with friction pads used for torque control. ...The next level up would have been the Revox class which would have electronically adjusted torque usung the reel motors. ..Anyway I gave it away as a quasi working device to a colleague in the late 1980s