I think if I owned a Revox, it would be on display rather than hidden away!
I have nothing so exotic. I do have a couple of Sony TC377's - they were perfectly good 'budget' decks in their day and as was typical of Sony from that period, very well put together.
I had a Philips N4416 reel-to-reel which partially conked out when the solenoid to engage 'play' failed to function. I couldn't find anyone who could repair it (at the time) and bought the Sony as it had the same tape head setup as the Philips, so could play the tapes already recorded on the Philips. The Philips looked a lot more modern and sophisticated, but the Sony was a far better engineered machine - it's still going!
I also have an ancient (1950's? era) Philips (valve) portable tape recorder - did I mention that I was a hoarder?  |