Numpty112233 Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:09

I did turn the waterfall off specially for the SACDs and the fish did synchronised swimming in time to the Waterboys... or maybe that was when I dropped the end of the speaker cable in P.s. where did you get that photo of me?

SickSquirrel Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:11

 Did you "create" that image yourself? Truly the work of a disturbed mind! 

SickSquirrel Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:12

Indoor pond?? Really? Please post a pic 

Numpty112233 Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:13

Lol I walked into that one... drop bait and fish will bite ;-) Good job I never mentioned the indoor barbeque next to it....
As you can see my mind is far more disturbed than Gibbsy's as this is actually seating with a prickly back rest. It stops visitors from returning so I can listen to my music in peace ;-)

SickSquirrel Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:14

    Wow, I thought you were joking, that must stink![email protected]/png/64/1f637.png[email protected]/png/64/1f4a9.png 

Numpty112233 Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:15

Why would clean, filtered water stink? Have you not stayed in upmarket hotels with water features in their lobby or restaurant? What has this to do with hi-fi?

gibbsy Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:16

Bit of fun but let's not get side tracked. Back on topic please.

SickSquirrel Publish time 28-11-2019 01:20:17

Only joking mate, chill out![email protected]/png/64/262e.png
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