gibbsy Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:02

I'm happy with my headphones, Oppo PM1s is the top of the three pair I've got. I know what you mean with buyer's remorse. My son has no interest in either HiFi or HT and would sell the lot to finance a nice big aquarium. Think I'll try and get a better deal with HiFi Corner.

gibbsy Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:03

Yes please.

gibbsy Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:04

I've ordered a 2500 player from HiFi Corner.

Numpty112233 Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:05

Top man! I'm jealous lol.

HenryHonda Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:05

Welcome to the club 

I'm sure you'll enjoy it for many years to come 

HD lover Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:07

My 2500NE arrived from AV Online yesterday.

I was a little worried as the polystyrene packaging on the bottom was smashed up somewhat, even though the box was undamaged, but luckily the player is fine.

As I said the other day, I have the 1520AE which I always thought was a beautifully constructed CD player, but the 2500 beats it into fits. Fantasticallysmooth machine that obviously sounds incredible. I’m waiting for some higher quality audio leads to arrive, but it’s hard to imagine it sounding much better than it does now!

Considering how good this is, it does make me wonder what the truly high end players that costs thousands are like... Not that I’ll ever find;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Anyway, I’d say to anyone on the fence about the 2500, have no fears. It’s extremely unlikely you’ll be disappointed.

HenryHonda Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:08

Welcome to the club - another member  

're the polystyrene packaging - I found the same when I opened mine! I sent emails and photographs to my supplier and to Denon UK.That was a few months ago, but I've not found any problems since 

However, I'd recommend that you do the same to back-up your warranty - just in case...I got a rather generic response from Denon UK - thanking me for letting them know, and that they would pass on to their production colleagues for future improvements.My thoughts are that, because the unit is so heavy (13.7 kg) and built like a tank, standard expanded polystyrene is just not up to the job.I would think that a more modern closed-cell HDPE foam (e.g. like that used by Oppo) would be much more robust - and recyclable!

I am currently using Chord Clearway RCA interconnects with great results, and am not sure whether going to the Shawline is going to reap any significant benefits...

What I did do, was put an SACD on whole disc repeat play 24/7 for a week, followed by the same for a redbook CD - as a run-in.


HD lover Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:09

Thanks. It makes sense what you say about the CD player being too heavy for the packaging. I could hear the player rattling around in the box when I got it!. The box itself was fine, though. Didn’t look like it had been knocked about.

As for the standard warranty, there was nothing in the box, is it automatically activated when you purchase it, or do I have to do something else?

Thanks again.

Numpty112233 Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:09

From memory I didn't have the polystyrene issue with the DCD-1600 - it isn't quite as heavy as the 2500 and the polystyrene fitted properly. My PMA-2500, however suffered the same issues as you describe. Further more the polystyrene cutout is too large, allowing it to wobble in the box. Packed well they ain't. My 1st PMA2500 suffered at the hands of DPD delivery and so it had to be replaced.
But wow! now it has I'm still utterly blown away by it. Whether analogue in (for SACD), USB to internal DAC or Phono stage it's absolutely fantastic and still has me grinning from ear to ear.
You all enjoy your DCD-2500s. If they are as good as the matching amp then you've got yourselves some stunning kit.

HenryHonda Publish time 28-11-2019 01:19:10

I believe that the standard warranty (2yrs) is through an authorised dealer.However, like my Denon home cinema receiver, I registered the 2500 online at Denon UK's website:

In my case, as I purchased through RS, my warranty was extended to 6 years through them.

Hope this helps 
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