Publish time 27-11-2019 22:25:59
It usually lasts for about a month after being notified. (At least mine usually is). I am onto my 3rd Samsung with the upgrade programme. 
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:00
I've never ever used the front camera. In fact on the S10 they could remove it and it would have a flawless screen. If I really wanted to put myself in the frame I'd use the rear camera and a timer. Though I pretty much don't want pictures of myself anyway. I know what I look like. It's not pretty and I don't want pictures of me.
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:00
I’d rather have a front camera I’m happy with to quickly take good quality pics and not mess around with timers. More often than not, there’s nowhere to set it down anyway. Just gets annoying when the majority of people think something is wrong or a waste of time because it doesn’t suit them. We’re all different.
tony kop77
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:00
Tempted to get s10 plus as I can get £510 for my phone in store but not sure there will be much difference but finger sensor behind the screen is nice
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:00
Thank you! Very tempted at the moment I must admit!
Shame I've only had the S8 for 3 months but man maths is winning over logic at the moment 
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:01
Pulled the trigger, pre ordered the S10 . //
I'm both giddy with excitement, and slightly sick knowing that ive just spent £900. On a phone.
/and breathe...
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:01
I'm so lucky really, been able to have my pick of latest phones for last 10 years with me managing the business phone account. Have an S10e, S10 & S10 512GB Ceramic coming. I will keep the one I like then some staff will get the others.
Biggest dilemma for me is I'm a bit of an audiophile and since getting the LG V30with its dedicated quad core DAC Samsung/iPhone/Sony sound worse by comparison. I just tried an S9 for its audio this week and just lacks "life/musicality" compared to the LG V30 . (had many DAP's & DAC's but prefer to just carry one device)
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:01
Man maths... the cause and solution to all our problems! Just checked my email, says I have until April to get the upgrade sorted. (I had it done in 5 minutes of course)! £29 per month for the 128gb S10. (I pay £27 now for my S9)
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:01
Look at it this way, it's something you will use more than any other tech you have. (Or most anything really) I use my phone for my business, pleasure, diary, calendar, casting etc etc. £900 ain't too bad. 
Publish time 27-11-2019 22:26:01
This is so true. I hate to say it but I can spend several hours a day looking at my phone and use it extensively for business. I probably spend less time sleeping.