booyaka Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:49

Totally hooked on this game at the moment. The potential is great.

It's all the best bits of ARMA, K1Z1 etc rolled into a single game.

People having a pop about the price seems a bit silly to me. People are happy to spend £50 on a knife skin for CSGO but won't pay £27 for a game?

Anyway - Squad of 4 tonight - a bit of camping in a house - nades coming through the window, smoke, flashes - people rushing in the house etc - crazy.......5 minutes later - 2 team mates down, 6 other bodies in the house as well!!

Best round for me with 6 kills - the x8 scope is amazing even on the finished 2nd over all but the house standoff was mental.......

Put about 20 hours into this already. Maps will improve/change/update as things progress, Dev support seems very good, taking on loads of feedback from the community etc.

Solo can be a grind at times but squad/duo is fantastic.........Get me online if you want as usually a few of us on with a teamspeak server and it's fantastic fun. Best game in ages for me, not been this hooked on a game for a long long time.

Ono Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:50

I really like this too but am solo because my mates are too tight.

Getting killed out of nowhere having scavenged decent kit and camped in a central position makes me say bad words because I know it is my fault for peeking.

booyaka Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:51

add me if anyone wants to squad up - booyaka1976 on steam

Hawklord Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:52

Just bought this.Will be around this W/E if anyone wants to play?

DeanE Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:52

Decided to pick this up.I really enjoyed the beta and enjoy the streams I see of it.Price will no doubt drop eventually but by that time no one will probably be playing it.

Now to see if I can emulate the very first game I played, I managed to come 3rd without shooting anyone and seeing only one person  died to the shrinking wall, as I didn't realise the amount of health it takes off near the end is enormous.

Ugly bloke Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:53

How does this compare to H1Z1? Watched a stream last night and it looked nearly identical.

ohh_danielson Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:54

Really enjoy this game. The dynamics of the game are always different, just a very good game.

If I get to the top 10 I never die from enemies but the force field lol.

Edit - one very annoying thing with this game though is the crashes. Mostly "out of memory" crash, which looks like a common problem when searching on line. Especially annoying when your down to the last 20 and just about to get a supply crate, then boom crash...which just happened now!!

RedAl Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:55

I'm so intrigued by this game I'm seriously considering selling my crappy laptop and getting a mid range budget desktop to play it on.

Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:56

Is it not coming to consoles? Sure I seen a thread up somewhere there.

RedAl Publish time 27-11-2019 21:52:57

Yeah but not until late this year at best I'd imagine. They've said they're concentrating on getting the pc version up to speed before even worrying about the console version. I don't want to wait
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