sykotik Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:29

i have just bought one of these
be quiet! Shadow Rock LP CPU Cooler - BK002 -
1155 socket
good little cooler , and is a lot lower than the evo 12
after fitting it i ran aida64 for an hour and it didn't go past 55c .

Therage79 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:30

Hey, thanks both, yeah the G3 not being on PCpartpicker was a bit of a pain, but this being my first build, I just didnt think about these things..

I have ordered the Arctic Cooler Freezer 13 now as its a good few cm shorter and should fit the case, though both of the above do look good, especially the 'be quiet'.

Thanks for the sure it wont be my last question lol

ChuckMountain Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:31

No worries, I just picked a fairly randomish cooler from the section.

I think you might still struggle with that one its going to be a tight fit the case being 151mm and the heatsink being 130mm which won't include the motherboard stand offs and the motherboard and those stand offs.Plus the 151mm will be the outside measurement of the case not the inside.I suspect but could be wrong you will get it but won't be able to get the side panel on it will still be proud.

Also as its a 92mm fan its going to be potentially louder than a 120mm mounted the other way and you want to be as quiet as possible with a HTPC ....

jassco Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:32

G3 | G3 | Jonsbo - Powered by Cooltek | Cooltek

According to their website, the maximum cooler size is 135mm so it should fit, just 

Therage79 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:33

lol..dont say that..spent about 2 hours deliberating over this last night lol...the case specs state clearance for a 135mm cooler (Freezer 13 is 130mm) I'm crossing my fingers!

Whether that takes into account mobo/mounting height etc. who knows!!

Yeah knew there would be a volume trade off with the smaller fan...but didn't really have much choice.Plus the Freezer 13 is supposed to be quiet and efficient.

Wanted some degree of decent cooling as do intend to game etc on here!

Thanks again

ChuckMountain Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:33

True I noticed that after writing the post, I just hope they are measuring from the same points 

ChuckMountain Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:33

Fingers crossed !

Something like this might be better if it doesn't

Noctua NH-L12 CPU Cooler -

RMGEE Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:34

Finally managed to build my son a PC using a GTX 960 that I had after upgrading to a GTX 970.

This was my first build and I really wish that I did it with my own PC, I couldn't believe how simple it all was. I based it on this build manirelli's Build Guide - i5-4460 / GTX 960 Gaming PC - PCPartPicker United Kingdom

I'm thinking of making a few changes to mine in the near future as it's quite loud so I'm going to change the case, cpu cooler & psu.

Any recommendations on cases?

Therage79 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:35

Just 'returned' the SSD as well, as ebuyer had the same one for £99 (as opposed to £115)..every penny lol

Will actually use the one I have and return the new one (don't tell amazon) I don't want to wait until next Wed to start!

ss sulaco Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:36

is the £1500 rig as was ? or would you change anything 4 months down the line?
what about a soundcard?
im about to spend (around christmas) 1500 of heard earned and this spec has caught my eye
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