Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:07
SCAN & AVForums loyalty programme
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:09
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:10
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:11
Any help? Hovering over this buy button
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:12
Just make sure the 200mm fan is a slim fit (20mm) coz some 200mm fans are thicker and won't fit the front intake without fouling the drive cages.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:13
Ive had my eye on this build as my first pc build. all my roads have kept leading back to it. You say you based your build on it, what did you change (if anything?) I'm drawn to the price, especially since i first looked it it was over £600, now its showing about £550.
I assume this will suffice the latest games at 1080p 60fps. no interest in 4k. No specific games, just whatever takes my fancy (probably fallout 4 though!!)
My plan at the moment, is to make the most of black friday approaching to see if i can save any more pennies.
Also, future upgrades, any brickwalls i would encounter?
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:14
It's for my son for Xmas so can't really comment on how well it handles certain games but I fully expect it to run games like Fallout 4 in 1080p 60fps, perhaps not in ultra but medium should be fine.
I already had a GTX 960 from when I upgraded to the 970, I think the only changes I made were adding an extra fan and removing the SSD but I'd recommend keeping that, I only removed it due to cost but it's something I can add at a later date.
I did do a little testing before boxing it up and it ran really well, I was a bit worried that the cpu cooler that comes with the processor wouldn't be good enough but I left it running Star Swarm Stress Test on Steam for 2 hours and all the temps were fine.
I'm new to this so I'm not that clued up but the only thing I would change if your budget will stretch to it is get the GTX 970, I think the system will handle it OK the only thing I'm not sure on is if it would fit in the case, I have the MSI 970 and it's huge compared to the 960.
As I did though, if you're not sure about something just ask on here, there are lots of helpful people that know what they are talking about.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:15
thanks for the reply @RMGEE . Like you, i'm new to all this too, so have many questions banging around my head, and then i read one thing and it throws me off. I've started looking at PCPartPicker, so think i'll throw together a list of things, share it here, then ask for advice. 
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:16
It might be worth looking at the first page in this thread if you haven't already, the £600 build includes a GTX 970, you just need to add windows.
Publish time 27-11-2019 04:24:17
yeah, been having a look. I like the idea of i5 minimum though, so could possibly tweak it. I did think i had a spare 1TB 7200rpm hdd floating around that could have saved me some money, but it seems i've used it elsewhere.
As for Windows, i should be able to get a Windows 7 64bit Premium from work...
Plus a monitor, i found BenQ RL2455HM for £130 reads up good
The research continues....