pRot3us Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:48

85Mb patch released I see.

Eddy555 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:49

It's been running really solidly at 60 for me on a 1080Ti at 1440p with a mix of settings. Running from an SSD

Saul Goodman Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:49

It runs in 4k on a £350 xbox but struggles on a £600GC? What gives?

Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:49

A lot of the fancy settings you get on PC that you won't get on console I imagine.

Eddy555 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:50

4k 30fps on Xbox, most of the time.
There's also a lot more detail etc on PC.
Xbox is a one box solution that can be easily optimised, PC had a lot of variables to cope with

Eddy555 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:50

I enjoyed the few hours I got to play last night. It is slow to start as people have said in the past but I'm now more into the game and starting to appreciate the detail of the game world which is a little overwhelming and fascinating at the same time. I think this is going to keep me occupied for some time.
It also looks pretty lovely too. It was a little murky in the beginning, but I guess that was just the setting. It's now starting to show it's true colours, although I don't believe it's the best HDR game I've seen (so far)

=adrian= Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:50

It might be a good time to swap my 1080 for 1080ti in preparation for this. Though I will be only playing in 1080p so not sure if there is a point. Anyone playing this in 1080p? How is it playing?

Eddy555 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:50

You'd probably be OK at 1080 with a 1080. There's a huge amount of options to play with, so I think you could get it running smoothly. The Digital Foundry videos should be very helpful when they get released

sykotik Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:51

Few benchmarks here for the game ,

=adrian= Publish time 27-11-2019 04:16:51

My main monitor is 1600p, but I usually select the 43" 1080p TV which is also on my desk as main monitor for when I'm playing games. Saves me from clocking too many hours on my expensive monitor 

I'll have a look around anyway to see if I can find a SH 1080ti ASUS ROG.

Thanks guys[email protected]/png/64/1f642.png
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