Schumi 01 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:39

1440p gsync monitor needed

Evening all, looks like my trusty x34a ultrawide is starting to fail, not going back to an ultrawide now decided it was a tad too big so looking for a 27" 1440p display this time around.

I know there has been other members asking about monitors, but i didnt want to hijack their thread, budget is around £500 but could stretch a litle bit more, not too worried about a high refresh rate, mainly play racing games, and latley RDR2, so a refresh rate of at least 100 would be fine.

Any suggestions would be more than welcome.

Many thanks.

Eddy555 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:40

I'm happy with my Dell SG2716DG
I did quite a bit of research (for me) when looking at these and ended up with this mainly due to build quality.
I paid £400 for mine.  (I'd forgotten I'd spent that much on a monitor)

Andehh12 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:41

Check out this Aorus...I don't have one myself but 3 of my friends do and they're all really happy with it.Might be a little higher than your budget though so you can probably find something similar with a lower refresh for cheaper - AORUS AD27QD Gaming Monitor | AORUS

mossym Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:42

Free sync version of that also works with gsync and is cheaper....

Schumi 01 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:43

Thanks, been researching for over a week now, and still none the wiser to be honest, will definitely check out the Dell, £400, my ultrawide cost nearly a £1000 i think, still cannot understand what came over me to spend that much on a monitor, its 34 inch, and to be honest it is quite overpowering when you are sat in front of it, for myself a bit too big.

Thanks i could stretch that little bit more, so much to think about.

Eddy555 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:44

The freesync version generally don't go as low with frame rate than the Gsync ones. I know they're expensive but it is a better technology

Andehh12 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:45

Oh and it's worth mentioning that this monitor is supported by NVidia since they relaxed the G-Sync / Free-Sync restrictions.

Schumi 01 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:47

Yes, since having gsync, i am not saying that freesync is not that good, i dont think i could take a chance to be honest, i know its more money, but for piece of mind, i think it is worth it.

Delvey Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:48

Surely the difference in price between g sync and freesync would be better spent on upgrading your GPU?
Not sure what you are running, but if you are struggling to hit 50 hz (which most freesync monitors have as the lowest range) at 1440p then you need a better GPU

Schumi 01 Publish time 27-11-2019 04:14:49

My Gpu is a msi 1080ti gaming x, frame rates are fine, but my ultra-wide is starting to fail, so its time to change to a new monitor, for some reason the ultra-wide for myself, has always been a bit too big for my liking, so decided to go for a 27" this time round. I just think gsync is worth the extra bit of money.
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