Zelda Majora's Mask 3D
Revealed during last night's Nintendo Direct, Nintendo are bringing the N64 game to 3DS next Spring. Psyched!!! Just ordered the steelbook version of this. This is what I'm looking most forward to out of every games. Special edition pre ordered from nintendo store.Can. Not. Pass. That. Up! Same here, jumped all over that  Sweet, I am in - loved this on the N64 Wonder if there will be a special edition of the new 3ds xl to go along with this. Will this be compatable with both 3DS and New 3DS? I'm imagining it will be because it isn't really a system seller, but it would be for me! Oh well I suppose that answers my previous query...
New Nintendo 3DS XL Majora's Mask Edition: This is one of the things Nintendo really need to get right and be very clear about. Xenoblade needs the new DS (when it comes out) but what about other new releases?