Tesco entertainment good for pre-orders..?
With multiple retailers shipping out gears of war 3 today - some people will be getting a WEEK early lucky swines!.....I am left with slight game envy.Does anyone have any experience of pre-orders from Tescos Entertainment?
I cant argue too much as my Gears 3 pre-order only cost under £29 however I would love to have an idea on when to expect it.
Mike. Tesco Entertainment uses The Hut Group's white label service - like Asda, Sainsbury's etc..
Never had any issues with anything from The Hut or Tesco, including preorders.
Great price btw.
*As from 26th September Asda are starting their own music/video/game website. i hope they are good as ive placed my first order with them for the batman game  cool that is good, I have used the Hut before without issue 
thanks guys.
incidently to further add potential issues my cc was stolen so i had to cancel it. tescos told me not to worry, that whilst i could not update the payment, they would still ship it and send me an email asking to update the payment after my 1st attempt gets declined. I hope that is the truth!. Sorry to Hijack the thread but it is related, I'm going to order MW3 hardened edition from Tesco and collect from local store after 4pm for £65.
Do they take payment as soon as I place the order, do they take payment on the day from the selected card or do I pay on my card when I need to take it down to collect? I've had a Sainsbury pre-order not show up till the Monday on a Friday release In my pre-order experience I had LA Noire a day early and Red Dead on the day of release from Tesco Entertainment. Thumbs up for me! Adster that sucks, would be a pain if that happen., Dan Tescoentertainment do not take money but no idea about tesco.co.uk When I ordered Black Ops from Tescos my order came 2 days late. There were quite a lot of people on here that didn't receive theirs on release day either U know it's not a game. But I order Star wars blu ray and it's not come today 