Doctor Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

easiest way ive found is just shooting through windows.

highrise, underpass, invasion and karachi have many buildings with windows in - just spend a bit of time in these places to get some kills. it is possible to get a good 3 or 4 FMJ kills per game on these maps if you play your cards right  sometimes more if no one shoots all the windows out lol

JDWT88 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

I'm hoping to get them all done, already have 6, Scar-H, ACR, M4A1, Mini-Uzi, UMP45 and MP5K. also have them all over 1000 kills.

I like the challenge of it and I'm trying with the Vector and FAMAS just now. Also have 934 kills with my G18 so hoping to get the 1000 soon.

Fmrl Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

I finally got the FMJ on the SCAR // - I tried sitrep and shot a few enemy claymores through walls but unfortunately these didn't increase my FMJ kill count. It wasn't a complete waste of time though as I managed to the the "How The?" challenge complete (kill someone by shooting their claymore through a wall).

Quickest way to get the FMJ complete seems to be on HC TDM but I started getting a bit cheesed off with all the snipers on the "open" maps like Wasteland and Estate (no killcam so you can't see where they are hiding).

I don't think I'll bother trying to get 10/10 on any of the other guns, it's a bit too much of a faff.

JDWT88 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

What happened there?

The posts have been mixed up 

Fmrl Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

Wow, can you let me know what tonights lottery numbers are please?

TheRobotman Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

nice one, i got it for the FAMAS and UMP45 but i don't know if i'll bother with any of the others for a while.

ACOG on the UMP45 was a good laugh.

Beneve2008 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:53

Played 5 or 6 games this morning nothing of any note really happened until i joined a GW half way through on Estate (shock).

Anyway i managed to rack up 7 quick kills & put out my harriers. They got me 1 kill so i did my emergency aircraft. In the EA was 2 AC130's, 1 ammo & 1 predator. Anyway, i started to do my first AC130 and before i even had the chance to fire 1 missle from it someone on my team set of a Nuke. Which stops my AC130 straight away. ****** off to say the least, so i thought **** it, i'll set off the other AC130 for something to do.

Anyway nuke detonated just as breifcase opened and.......


I was the only person on both teams without a dead symbol next to my name when the scores came up?

Has anybody else had this. I thought it was impossible to survive a nuke?

TheRobotman Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:54

i also thought it wasn't possible but i remember someone on here saying they had survived it on wasteland lying down in one of the trenches. maybe there is a way?

Beneve2008 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:54

I was lying down near the statue/house/wall by A flag. If that makes sense. 

TheRobotman Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:54

i'm thinking it might be something to do with opening the computer up at the right time? maybe you've stumbled on a glitch there.
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