jwalsh82 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:48

Played on Highrise today, TDM with about 3 on the other side.They didn't miss a shot, ran at the speed of light and I reckon without exagarating, 3 million care packages, the skies were never empty.

Quit the game, turned it off.

Not as bad as a month or so back, I actually took the disc out, put it in the case and chucked it in the loft :smashin

geejaybee Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:48

So sorry but that just made me feel a whole lot better as that is a typical day on MW2 for me @ and I aint really getting any better.
My main problem is that even when I get a good game (for me) with say 10 kills, I cant string the kills together so I get no killstreak reward. I'm pretty sure I've been in games where I've actually shot more people than the other players who rack up a lot more kills overall.
I think it would be better if killstreak kills did not count towards the next one, but thats probably because I'm crap
I'm getting to the stage of giving up (and maybe switching to BFBC2).

geejaybee Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:49

Sounds pretty similar to me . Have you peaked ?. I'd say depends on what level you are, how long you've played and how old you are. If you're level 40and/or over 35 then you probably have . I'm aged 54 and level 70. I kept playing thinking that the next weapon/perk unlock was going to make all the difference ..... has it F*** .
The psychology of this game is stupendous when you think about it. Its very repetative, and very frustrating for the "average" playersbut the games are like little bite-sized snacks that make you think "Just one more". Add to that here's always some little "achievement" or milestone that keeps popping up and you go back for more.

lovemovies Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:49

It could be some of us have peaked. I'm 36, I don't think i'll get any faster. The teen's and guy's in thier twenty's could just keep getting better/faster for longer before they peek.

Some of the problems are the game though. I can be going around corners as carefull as possible already looking down my sights aiming where someone would be when I pop my head out. I spot a guy running at full pelt. I fire the second I see the person or even just a head knowing he has to slow and raise his weapon a little before firing or looking down sights. Somehow i'm the one who dies. When I watch the killcam i'm coming round the corner looking at the floor while he seems to have been lucky enough to be running pointing his gun right in the direction of my head. So he fires from the hip and i'm gone.

You can't fight on an even footing when you get those day's.

muffins Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:49

When are four bars not four bars? When you are playing MW2//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif

I get four bars and into games <50 ping, see a guy shoot him get hit markers and then die by a wet fart.


Det Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:49

Wet farts are pretty deadly where I come from!

Doctor Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:49

you're describing lag deaths. they are deaths of the worst kind.

Barry_ Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:50

 LOL tell me about it – I’ve even been in a game with just the one/two bars and experienced far less lag than when it shows 4 bars. 

JDWT88 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:50

Play Mercenery TDM and you avoid clans who play constantly and all spawn kill. Theres nothing worse than running into a dedicated team who play together for 8/10 hours a day.

geejaybee Publish time 27-11-2019 01:00:50

That I'm afraid is the problem with P2P hosting model. T'internet connections cannot keep every player up to date with every other players position and firing info. Hosts and those closest to hosts (USA in my exp) have the edge every time.
I think I've got as much as I can out of this game and I'm gonna trade it for BFBC2 which looks slightly slower paced and more objective based. If (as is likely) I'm ***** at that too I'll have to quit and keep the PS3 for BD and iPlayer 
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