Leumas_10 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:28

My saturday curse struck again today, was all set to rank up the last few levels I needed to prestige and was enjoying some good games.....then ps3 weezes, splutters and keels over . Think it's coming to bits tomorrow to try and fix it.

lovemovies Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:29

I would love to know the actual tests the game performs to decide which lobby/game to put you in. Reason being that it took me about 25 minutes to get away from a lobby that was giving me about a second or more delay in lag. I would leave inbetween games and during games over and over again only to get thrown back with the same people.

It was getting very boring seeing an enemy appear on my screen about an inch tall due to distance between us only for me to fall to the ground dead, because they were actually in my face stabbing me. Or running up some stairs only to die because I actually got shot nearly two seconds ago whilst in a different room.

If this game had a consistent connection that meant my guns felt like they had the same performance every night. Lag was not noticable to my eyes, and spawning placed ALL players at the tharthest possible distance from an enemy player it would be almost perfect.

Tim Deegan Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:30

My daughter was after a PS3 with her birthday money the other day. After going round all the shops she found that the 120gb model was out of stock. Then we went in Comet, and they had a 160gb (old style) left which was listed at £330, but they sold it to her half price for £165. //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif//static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/clap.gif She then went to Asda and bought MW2 so that she can play me on line (or should I say slaughter me).

By the way, what is wrong with the slim version of PS3?

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:30

Nothing.There are just some older versions that are backwards compatible and some people think the slims are made with cheaper products... whatever, they both do what I need them to do.

Leumas_10 Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:30

Wow you got a good deal there then, £165 bargain! Yeh, nothing wrong with the slims, I just prefer the look of my fat boy and have become quite attached to it 

...no fear though, I fixed it the other day and it's back firing on all fronts.

shodan Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:31

Bump an old thread coz this post is best here...
*warning, I'm moaning again*

I don't know if I'm getting a small amount of lag that I can't really see or not but lately I seem to be dying a lot more and quicker than usual!    I'm getting around 10 or so kills, which sadly is on the good side of average for me, but could get nearly twice the amount of deaths.I don't normally worry about the dying part (as long as it happens to other people eh!) but when I get spawned on the other side of the map and spend ages trying to get back to the action just to be killed as I get there then it starts getting a bit old.And the deaths are not exactly fair.Like I shoot someone with the SPAS from about 5-10 ft away and get a hit marker then get killed by them.

Its been quite bad the last couple of times I've tried playing, or is it that suddenly a lot of other people have improved their game?
Earlier on, playing MTDM I tried run n gun with UMP and SPAS, sniping with Barett, Tar with Grenade launcher and different styles but couldn't seem to settle in and was just one bit fat, hairy, bullet and predator magnet.(And don't get me started on Predators, I don't even bother running for cover any more when one is up because there's no point in trying to make it harder for the person as its going to get me anyway).

No point to this post, just a chance to vent and ask, anyone else thinking the same as me?

mark74uk Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:32

Dont worry i have weeks like this, but then at the drop of a hat i can be a world beater, then back to being crap again, and so on. Its the game mate and frame of mind, get used to it, lol.

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:33

Good games last night those that were involved, enjoyed the snipers only in the private lobby and then destroying everyone in the the team tacticals after!

Not sure how Jon managed to beat me on both the Sniper FFA's, must have cheated :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

mark74uk Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:34

Er yeah sorry about the sniper games, i was using my Tar and didnt realise. I just cant use use a sniper rifle so left.

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 01:01:35

It's good fun, you should get used to it 
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