Sonic67 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:53

Thanks for all the advice 

I have been wanting to upgrade my TV/computer monitor for a bit, so in line with your posts I have upgraded that whilst I wait the news in the next few months (which gives me time to save up again)

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:53

I have both and I prefer the Xbox One.

1. The home screen interface is better on the Xbox than the Playstation. And it is constantly being improved and innovated and turned into more like a Windows 10 style desktop environment which I like.

2. The games can be had much cheaper if buying via Brazil or Argentina stores. Brand new just released games cam be had for £25. When on the PS4 its £50/£60. I never thought I would see that day. But I now have thanks to the Argentinian and Brazilian stores..

3. My box itself runs much quieter over the PS4 where the fan constantly kicks in. I can never ever tell if the Xbox is even on or not (literally). The Ps4 makes a blimmin racket.

4. USB3 Hard Drive support. My PS4 has a 1TB drive in there and its full. My Xbox One I can put anything on there via USB3.

5. All of the reports I have read say. The new Xbox in 2017 is going to be 50% more powerful than the upcoming PS4 Neo and this will (hopefully mean) it buffs up games already released for the XboxOne now. 50% more powerful than the Neo. That is like Ps3 to PS4 type difference!

6. Free Backwards compatibility of Xbox360 games!!

7. Elite Controller

8. App support coming soon. (torrent downloads via your Xbox is one app in development).

The true innovators this generation have been Microsoft. Yes the PS4 has a better graphics card inside of it which means games run at 1080p when on the Xbox its 960p. But playing side by side you can barely tell the difference and due to this Microsoft has been doing all it can to pull the Xbox up by innovative ideas.

My advice get a cheap XboxOne posted on Hotukdeals from Amazon Marketplace or somewhere, or just get one second hand from CEX and get an Elite Controller to go with it and then a few games from Brazil. You will be happy.

EV3A Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:53

PS4 vs Xbox One: which is better?

What do you mates have?

I got a PS4.

1. Fallout 4 plays better on the PS4 and I pretty much bought a console to play the game.
2. I had a PS3. I can reuse the move controllers.
3. You can fit a larger drive into the PS4. 2TB? No problem.
Samsung M9T 2 TB 9.5 mm SATA 2.5 inch PS4 Compatible Internal Hard Drive: Computers & Accessories
4. No power brick.
5. Virtual Reality - coming soon.
6. Smaller design, you can put it vertical as well.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:53

If their gamers then both (only 2 are ), but all have said stick with my PC and just upgrade the areas it lacking in.

One of them works for one of the game producers in London so gets to play the games long before they are release (everyone told him he was wasting his time in the 80's/90's ) says PS4 out of the two, but both are good.

AnthonyG Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:53

My uncle works for Nintendo 

No but seriously there's nothing more that can be said that hasn't already be said.

Ultimately you buy consoles to play games, so if you're buying only one console then buy the console that has exclusive games that you prefer, not only out now, but that are due to be released.

With E3 so close I wouldn't do anything at this stage. You said the last console you owned was an N64? If so waiting a little bit longer won't do any harm. Not just to find out about any hardware announcements but exclusive games.

I like to play games, I don't care about the machine. I've been fortunate to own all the consoles (and always have each generation) so I don't miss out on good games. But for most people it's not always possible, or practical.

The pc will provide a superior experience and more importantly offer lots of choice, however it comes back to the games. While you'll generally get to play the best versions of multi platform games, you will miss out on console exclusives, especially if you're keen on those associated with the playstation. If exclusives weren't a thing then there would honestly be no reason for me to own a console, but they are.

Regardless of which console you end up with, you're guanrateed to have hours of enjoyment, I'm too old for clubbing now, but looking back I'd spend obscene amounts of money only for it to come out the next day out of multiple holes (mainly my mouth ) you can spend relatively small amount of money and have countless hours of fun with a single game.

EV3A Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:54

No lie, 100% serious.

His job is to fly out to Japan, talk to a firm about a game, fly back to work with that game and play it to death. Then write a report on if it's worth buying the license to sell it in the UK.

Hard life for some.

Waiting a few more weeks makes little difference, when you have goldeneye, who needs more 

milk123 Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:54

I think there is. The Xbox One has had a price reduction last night and can be had far cheaper than the PS4 now - especially in deals.

The PS4 Neo is due out in October and rumour is the price will be around £450 on release.

The Xbox "Two" will be out in 2017. Most likely October 2017 time and will be in the same price point.

I seen a deal posted on HotUKdeals (ok its now experied but it just shows how much you can get it for) of the XboxOne for £165.

I would buy this for that (bargainous) price and then wait for the Xbox "Two" to come down in price for the Christmas 2017 deals (that is 18 months away from now). In that time you can stock up on very cheap games for the XboxOne digitally. Or even just buy some really cheap Xbox360 games on it via backwards compatibility.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:54

Good points @AnthonyG and perhaps an option for him. Although to be fair I said there's nothing more that can be said that hasn't already been said, and you had already mentioned the deals and purchasing a "cheap" xbox one 

Although it comes back to the games again for me. If someone is desperate to play bloodborne, uncharted etc and doesn't really care about halo, gears, forza, sunset overdrive or any of the upcoming exclusives then it won't be that relevant. The PS vita could be 20p now and I still wouldn't buy another one as there's nothing I want to play on it. I regret buying that on launch to be honest. The point I'm making is to a certain extent price isn't always the determining factor, call of duty could be 5p but I'd rather wash my eyes out with bleach than experience an online game of that. So if someone doesn't like the games on the Xbox one is price alone to make them jump into a purchase?

With regards to the price you quoted for the ps4, that won't personally be an issue for me. I paid around that for the ps3 on launch , and I'll gladly pay similar for upgraded versions of the Xbox and PlayStation. But my main "hobby" and disposable income is spent on technology of any kind, I tend to be an early adopter of most things, and tend to buy things I don't need.

I still remember the launch of the ps3 like it was yesterday, I was expecting a battle to pick one up and went to Toys R Us and they had crap loads on the shelves, ended up getting a bundle with Resistance, Motorstorm and Heavenly sword. Ah those were the days lol

TylerDurden Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:55

One thing to consider is that with the xb One you can get much cheaper digital games from other regions, plus the 'free' games with gold have been, imho, pretty good recently, and 360 games backwards compatibility, plus you can play/stream your games to windows 10 devices ie laptop/tablet.

Cowboyjon Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:56

Ps4 and it isn't even close.

There is a reason it has sold more than twice as many units worldwide than the xb1.

I'd say I'm as qualified as anyone to make that statement - my current tally this generation stands at 3 xb1s (all of which were sold after 4 months), 3 ps4s (none sold, one broke) and one wii u (sold).
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