Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:46

PS4 or Xbox One?

Ok i know their is a dedicated games forum, but frankly a very dead thing has more likelihood of giving a response than either of the xbox or ps4 forums do, so though i would post here after already trying their (grantedi could have phrased the questions better )

Leaning towards the xbox, but interested if anyone has any advance on the matter. The last true console i had was a N64 

Foster Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:47


TayWax Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:48


That's my personal preference. Plus there is a good bunch of lads here on the Xbox forum.

DaveBhoy Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:48

Whatever console your mates have would be the best choice.Personally I like my ps4 over the xbox but again that suits for online multiplayer

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:48

As there all either non gamers or huge gamers (so have both) not really 

What puts me off the ps4 is the menu setup (had a ps3 for region a films) as I will use it for the likes of Amazon and Netflix, xbox strikes me as being much more friendly.

Xbox is the lack of bitstream for moves and not quite as powerful as ps4

scartlead Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:49

Pc to be honest. Versitile, via steam the games are cheap as chips and obviously you can use it for other things. The days of basic black cases are gone, there are alot more to choose from, can be in a small form factor as well. Downside, maybe the initial expense of getting something decent. If you plan on gaming at 1080p then something like 350 ish and upwards would be a good starting point, plus also check the classifieds

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:49

That's my current way of doing it, which is another argument for xbox.

It's the lack of moveablity and the fact that not all games appear on the pc that is making me think about getting one

Marshall Mike Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:49

I have the Xbox but I suspect you won't go wrong with either. It will come down to the games and what exclusives you are attracted to most.

Also the Xbox can't bit stream atmos, so if you are using the console as a bluray player bear this in mind. Oh and if you want to use voice commands, hand gestures and control your TV, you need kinect. I did have my sky running through my Xbox at first, but I have since reverted back to connecting sky straight to my amp. The Xbox was down mixing my 1080i sky signal to 720P, maybe not a big deal to some but it annoyed me.

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:49

Either one will be good and the difference between them is splitting hairs.

I went PS4 this time around as I fancied a change from the 360 I had before.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 22:52:50

Most of the film watching I do via pc so the lack of atmos isn't terrible, just would be nice for the rare times it can't play a disc (fox films are aways hit or miss)

Do you ever use the kinect whilst playing games? If not then I can live with out it.

Big attraction of the ps4 is that it seems to have more final fantasy games.

Choices choices 
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