IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:29

All those people who are smoking nicotine patches, perhaps you should tell them burning all that plastic is real bad for your lungs 

Cloverleaf Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:30

IG, ask yourself why these e cig fans are using the things rather than using nicotine patches ?

It's because e cigs offer a "smoking lite" experience, inhaling a vapour containing nicotine instead of smoke containing nicotine. Patches are rubbish delivery devices.

These people want to continue their smoking habit without killing themselves, but they are just conning themselves that they have become non smokers.

They are still nicotine dependant, a slave to the drug, and that will not change until they quit.

Rock Danger Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:31


No, it's really not - in fact it's not even in the same ballpark, district, neighbourhood, town, city or even country. I haven't smoked in 3 yrs but I can see why people would use e-cigs and meh, fair enuff.

Elvis wept... please stop posting such utter tripe for f'sake, it's embarrassing. 

Grrrrrowler Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:32

Why are you so bothered? Is your life really that sad and empty?
I bet when you were a kid your mum had to tie a bone around your neck so the dog would play with you.

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:33

It's because when someone has an addiction/obsession, they deny they have said addiction/obsession. Whilst rolling up or getting spoon and lighter out.

Grrrrrowler Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:33

Are you addicted to trolling?
Think carefully before you reply.

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:34

I know exactly why they are doing it.They have given up smoking  still enjoy the paraphernalia associated with smoking and want a new way of having something to hold. Some want a different way to get a nicotine fix that is less harmful to themselves and those around them.Some find it a useful way of moving off nicotine.Whatever the reason they aren't smoking 

SyStemDeMoN Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:35

Well I've been fag free for 10 months now 

I used the dreaded champix tablets that was 3 months of hell.But they have worked !

I'm fag free and have no desire to smoke, I have not had any lapses while drunk or anything.

I feel very proud of myself.My friend at worked stopped the same time as me and he is still clean but he used Nicorette tablets or something.He too is still fag free today !

Axel40 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:36

Do this test.

If you have a Cigarette to hand, take a puff (don't inhale) put a sheet of tissue tight to your lips and blow the smoke through it. See all that horrible brown ****? That's the stuff that goes in the lungs and contains all the crap that can kill you etc.

Do the same with the Lava Tube/E-liquid/E-Cig Guess what you see? Yep, a wet patch (ohh err Mrs) of water vapor.

I prefer that.

Sure, it's still nicotine I'm getting and yes, I'm still addicted but I'm saving money, cutting the Nic content down and will (I hope and Pray) never go back to the Heavy Smoker thing again 

MC77 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:37

I think a lot of the time people use these e-cigs because the act of smoking is as addictive as the nicotine itself. When I gave up I found it very difficult to just sit and be idle. I needed to be doing something similar to smoking. So I ate my way through 3 tons of food 
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