Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:47
Extremely rarely. Once a year when I go home to Grimsby I can't resist at least one fish, chips & mushy peas from a truly great chippy.
Last year in the States I got worryingly addicted to Mc D's sausage & egg McMuffins. Won't be doing that again!
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:47
Probably just less than once a week. Chinese, Indian or less often fish and chips being for a treat. McDonalds/KFC/Burger King being more about the fast aspect when we just want something superfast so we still have enough time to relax after working late or something. Had a few subways over the last couple of months too but I don't really feel thats much worse for you than making a loaded sandwich at home so don't really worry about that.
We do eat a fair ammount of box meals too though, I think we are having tesco's finest lasagne tonight and some garlic bread. Of course it's much nicer when you make the lasagne yourself but my wife works a long day and looks after me so often it's just nice to stick something in the oven and not have to do much else.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:48
I have to say, the past couple of time I've been in a McDonalds, they push the term 'fast' a little.
It's taken us infuriatingly long to actually get something to eat.
And their new interior decor means you often have to sit at these large communal tables.
Yes, thanks, just what I want.
Bad enough I've lowered myself to come in here, I really want to sit at the same table as mouth-breathing chavs.//
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:48
Agree with this, Fast Food is generally what you call stuff from "Fast Food Restaurants" which means they serve food pretty quick, I assumed that the OP just meant take away food inclusive.
If it's just "Fast Food" then I never have it, as Indian, Chinese, Pizza etc are not "fast", but I figured we were not being pedantic on that... however a sandwich is a sandwich - pre-packed or not.
Although Subway is effectively sandwiches etc but that's fast food... how about Brunches and other sandwich bars they are pretty much the same so they should be classed as fast food too? If so then a pre-packed sandwich is not really any different... 
Don't go to Japan then, they have large communal tables and it is socially acceptable to slurp your noodles when you're eating udon 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:48
Now I'm all confused....
I wouldn't class Subway as fast food, I would class it as a sandwich.
If the OP means any food you buy in a ready-to-eat state, then I have that at some point every day.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:48
- Subway (restaurant) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:48
Meant bit of a general grouping of food that isn't necessarily that good for you. Subway probably isn't too bad for you but I doubt you could call it health food 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:48
I wouldn't call sandwiches fast food.
Same as I wouldn't call Sushi fast food.
If you're going to broaden the definition of fast-food, where does it stop?
Is me buying a banana in a shop 'fast food'?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:49
- Official SUBWAY Restaurants History
- Official SUBWAY Restaurants' Web Site - News
Are they any better for it?
I see your point but why would you say Sushi is not fast food? Would you prefer to call it quick food? 
Definitions I'm finding say the food has to be prepared for you in a restaurant type environment... but I think we're losing the point here 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:52:49
As I said earlier, my definition of 'fast food' is that it should be hot.
Hence I don't include Sandwiches/Sushi/Salads as 'fast food'.
Of course, you could argue you get hot sandwiches.
But then you could argue a burger is a hot sandwich.