What's the oldest thing in your food cupboard?
We had a clear out in 2009. There was a bottle of some dark brown sauce (not actuall brown sauce) which had a 'use by' date of 1999, just before my daughter's birth day.I showed her the bottle and we laughed at the fact that it was older than her.We don't get to the back of the food cupboards often enough. Jar of jam from 1972. Might put a pic up. Damson, in case you were wondering. Jesus! That's older than me! Can of Coke from '81. "Don't you want me baby" etc..... Double my age  I've not owned it all that time. I'm barely older myself. It was passed down to me, shall we say. Eeee, times can be hard ooop north... We had a new kitchen built just under two years ago and had a massive clearout so we'll have very little over about three years old but it does seem to be easy to accumulate junk in the food cupboard Can of coke from 1990 World cup in italy. It has their mascot/logo/whatever on it. The can is unopened as in the ring pull, however half the contents has mysteriously evaporated or leaked over time  BTW, do you work as a Brad Pitt impersonator? A couple of things with price stickers in shillings and pence. I think that makes them pre 1971.