Mr_Wistles Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:55

When my mum moved in 2004 we cleared out her cupboards and there were items in her cupboards which had the price stickers in old money.

That alone is bad enough but as we had moved to the house in 1984 it means she would have brought something that was already over 13 years old with her!!

Stinja Publish time 26-11-2019 05:49:56

A few weeks back i ate a MRE (meal Ready to Eat) from circa 2002 

A mate in the USAAF had given me a few, and theyve sat in the cupboard for years (moved house three times with them), until Teh Mrs nagged me, so when she went off i made an effort to cook them up.The heating packs no longer worked very well, tabasco sauce had dried out, but the actual food was still pretty tasty. - MRE Shelf Life

I guess wine dosent count for this?  so probably baking stuff, dried herbs or Jam...
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