krish Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:40

Very good advice already.

Of course it's stating the blinkin' obvious, but just start moving a bit more ... it won't be too long before you notice a difference in yourself.

Just had a total hip replacement - am about a couple of months short of 40 but this was a 21 year old problem (arthritic joint / messed up femoral head) which reached a tipping point this year when exercise was getting too painful and I was then getting progressively unfit and out of shape, putting more strain on my hip. Now 5 weeks after the op and happily exercising very simply every day, I feel very good, and don't break into a sweat from a 30 min two mile walk. On Christmas Day I did a 3 mile walk in the morning (certainly did break into a sweat - was knackered!) and eat nothing in the evening to make up for the gluttony. Usually have some comedy playing on the iPod (Gervais/Pilkington, Adam & Joe, Partridge, Down The Line, Hitchhikers, etc.).

Also ... if there are any bad habits like fags, you know what you should do 

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:41


I am determined to do more and your help and support is great
We have joined the national trust to give us something to do

Guess i use work as an excuse, work 6 on 4 off, two earlies, two lates and two nights, so tend to find im often tired

KelvinS1965 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:42

I'd also suggest giving up forums.  I'm sure the reason my weight has been creeping up is that I spend far too long sat around half watching TV and reading/typing on my laptop. I then seem to run out of time for things I should be;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 I've got a few projects coming up in the new year, so that should help me to limit. Now if there was a way to read on the forums while I exercised maybe that would help relieve the boredom and maybe you too.

Either way, best of luck and as someone else said, consider seeing your Doc to discuss you general health first.

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:43

Do you eat a lot of bread? I found that cutting down (if not out completely)helped me.
If you can, take packed lunches to work.Its too easy to cave in and buy junk(well it is for me anyway).

Pack Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:44

Whether or not 1500 calories a day is unrealistic is up to the OP. I don't believe 1500 a day (plus some of those tens of thousands of calories of fat hes carrying) is unheathy either. Many normal people live quite happily on between 1500 and 2000 calories a day, anyway once he loses the weight he can raise his calorie intake to what is needed.

He can not diet he will not do any exercise so now he just needs to froce himself cut down on the calories. Deny your present self for the benefit of your future self.

dUnKle Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:45

Yeah, loads

Due to shifts and like its easy

On earlies i only ever have one meal, about six in evening and at work ill have bar chocolate and bag chrisps

On lates ill have four weetabix and four pieces of toast before work, then one bag chrisps at work

On nights, tend to have a good meal around lunch time, midday before the night shift, then thats all

On rest days its dependent on what other half works, but tends to be four weetabix or porridge for breakfast then a cooked tea

Mr_Wistles Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:46

Holy carbs Batman! That is something you need to address. Cut those down and replace with something like fruit.

4 Weetabix and 4 toast followed by crisps is not good.

Saldawop Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:47

I always used to take in a wrap(wholewheat white) with a chicken breast and lots of salad.Would also eat lots of natural yoghurt with strawberries.Maybe an apple as well.That would last me through work....also would take 1L of water in with me as well.
Chicken was my main food(I don't like fish unless its deep fried Cod).

Avoid stuff like Salad Dressing and Mayonnaise,unless you really cannot stand it without...if you make it so you are not enjoying eating, you will crack.And depending on for resolve you may find it difficult to get back on track.

Also, I always found it helpful to have a cheat day where I would eat whatever I moderation.And the longer I stuck at it, I always found that even my cheat day got healthier.

Mr_Wistles Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:48

What do you do for a living? Is it a physical job?

Sparky83 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:47:49


I completely get where you are coming from, I'm currently the biggest i have ever been, (although i'd kill to be your weight right now), i don't think i look as big as i am having watched stuff like the biggest loser etc on the telly (Yep sitting there watching TV, i know i know) but even so i weight 27stone 

This started once i left a fairly active job to one that had me spending most of my day in a van driving, basically sitting doing sod all, all day long with a little bit of movement in between. It then spiralled out of control to where i am now.

I find it extremely hard now, its the thought that i need to lose half of my body weight to be near to my ideal weight for my height (6ft), i'd never be stick thin as my build is naturally bigger than that but even so i just feels like its so un achievable. I'm under no illusion that this is no ones fault but my own, I'm the pig that ate all this food. Problem is, i can force myself to eat salad but thats just it, I'm forcing myself. I don't enjoy it, its slightly better with a dressing on it but that goes back to the high fat (and flavoured) foods again.

Im attempting to start a new healthier diet in january and do my best to stick to it this time, I'm already a member of a gym that i haven't been to for 6mths   so will try to go there as often as i can. Again i totally agree with the shift working side of it, I'm the kind of person that like to get into a routine and stick to it, but the shift i work makes going to the gym hard some weeks and impossible others.

Well good luck to you, i'll be watching your thread so please update with progress you make as I'm sure it'll help me and other in a similar situation.
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