Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:00
More water, less bread. Stay away from fad diets as loosing weight too fast is bad.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:01
I don't like celery much either but do find it better with a little bit of low calorie salad cream/mayonnaise squeezed down the middle.The ones I have is just 12-15 calories per tablespoon.
For snacking I have started having a few raw peanuts.I buy them in shells and have around 5 -10 at a time.As with other nuts, they are around 600 calories per 100g.The peanuts in shells are about 10 calories each so it is easy to judge how much to have and take off the nibbles feeling.
I decided to have some treats this week for Xmas so settled for one uncut bread (first bread in 6 months), mini pork pies and mini scotch eggs.I am making them last the week and so I can start fresh on Monday morning.
My main reason to lose weight at the time was for an operation in August.I had slightly high blood pressure but only high when taken in the hospital.The nurse called it white coat syndrome.By the day of the operation, I had lost nearly 5.5 stone.
I created a spreadsheet and put in my weekly weight (taken same day and same time) and it automatically works out my total monthly loss, loss over the year so far and also converts stones/pound to kilograms and also only pounds.It shows 8.5 stone/54 kg/119 pounds so far.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:02
I've been through this (still not there but on the way) and it's been a matter of combining several things - seeing a chirporactor about problems with my legs, walking and a bit free weight work at home and looking at my diet - particularly shifting to more complex carbohydrates which means I feel a bit better throughout the day and snack less.
It's a long struggle but can be won.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:03
Good to hear you wanting to do something positive. There is some good advice in this thread.
However, going a little against the grain, I think you need a kick up the a**e more than anything (not intended in a nasty way). I'm a similar age and size. Last year was 16 stone. I have always been active but due to evening study I packed on a few extra pounds. I'm now just a tadge under 15, but if I stuck to cutting out all the rubbish and limiting myself to a small amount of calories no way would I be able to maintain the level of CV and weight exercise that I currently do. Plus I would be miserable.
In your case keep it simple, a few simple lifestyle changes are what's needed, these are the basic building blocks of living a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
Firstly get out and exercise, biggest benefit you can do in the long run. Go to a gym or swimming pool, sure you may be knacked after 20 minutes, but stick at it. Its not about who is the fastest or strongest, its about who puts effort in. Eventually you will enjoy it.
Secondly adjust your portion sizes and swap things where you can. Instead of a 180 cal bag of crisps go for the 90 cal one. 3 weetabix instead of four, skimmed instead of semi skimmed ect.
Once you start getting fitter and feeling better you can take it further and by that point you should have the will power to help.
My personal choice would be get on a concept rower down the gym and follow one of their interactive weight loss plans.
Good luck.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:04
Bloody pizza, the bain of my life...... but its oh so lovely though!!!! 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:05
1. No alcohol. Drink tap water instead.
2. No snacking - and if you do feel hungry in between meals try eating fruit instead - particularly apples, pears and oranges. ie Zero carbohydrate snacking. Would you believe that taking a glass or two of water when you feel hungry, will help you get rid of the need to snack? Well it will.
3. For exercise: I'd suggest Walking could be best to start with. Try about 1 mile for a start and, after a couple of weeks, build up to about 3 miles every other day. Vary the speed from a stroll at the start to being quite brisk later on. Doing a 'steadily speeded' (ie faster than 'a stroll' but less quick than 'brisk') 3 miles will take you nearly 1 hour.
4. For all your regular meals cut down your portion sizes.
Sorted! You should lose about 5-7 lbs per week. Within a month you could be down to 15st and down to 14st within 3 months.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:06
How about we start a Weight Loss thread?
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:07
There already is one, as linked previously. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:08
I always think that is more to do with muscle building exercises and even far as body building rather than general diet and weight loss.
There have been other diet/weight loss threads but don't get the posts so they die.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:48:09
Congrats on the forthcoming wedding. Please don't get depressed about your weight; there are plenty around worse than you and your fiancé loves you because of who you are.
Is your fiancé overweight at all?Perhaps if she is you could agree to lose weight and get fit together (though you might want to phrase it along the lines of her helping you). Perhaps agree that every evening before/after dinner you will go for a 15 minute walk. Keep it short to start and avoid being too ambitious. You want to make sure you can stick to it.Whatever happens you need to enlist your fiancé's help
Things I have found helpful:
- Use a smaller plate for your dinner (no seconds though)
- Always have a full glass of water BEFORE eating anything
- Always offer to drive when you go out (means that you can't drink too much)Good luck
- I'm the worst chocoholic around and if I buy chocolate will always finish the bar; no will power.So, I try not to buy it and if I do buy it then I buy a really small bar!Identify your biggest weakness and go for damage limitation