IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:23

As alluded to above,@walters123, you should be aware that most of these products are snake oil at best or contain metabolic poisons at worst

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:24

yep, when it comes to weight loss - people are always looking for a quick fix imo...

the diet / fat loss industry is worth bucketloads because of this... hard work and a balanced lifestyle is the key...

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:25

Wasn't there a quote by someone like Jackie Chan than to be thin you need to 'eat less and move more'!!!!
Fundamentally it is a sound principal if applied in a sensible manner.

walters123 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:26

My local gym is a complete nightmare no parking and there is about 60 people there in the evenings. Looks like I'll stick to the 5am work out

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:26

Early morning session can help with the fat burning. I seem to remember reading a report about training lean and how this can train your body to burn fat for energy instead of going for the easy carbs. What it meant by training lean was not having any carbs before and not taking any sports drinks/gels/etc. during so that your body is forced to use fat for energy. The report was in the context of endurance sports like triathlon. So if you train early before breakfast then this may well help with your goal to lose fat.

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:27


All disproven, your body is too clever to trick.

ยป My New Study on Fasted Cardio and Fat Loss: Take Home Points

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:29

@Wardy257: Thanks for the link. This is why anything around weight loss and fitness is so hard since for every one report saying one thing there is at least another that refutes it. Only skimmed the article but from what I can see it does not totally disprove it but does put doubt in. Being a bit of a stats guy (know enough to be dangerous!!!) I have seen how p tests (as quoted in the article) can be manipulated to give you almost any figure you like. Hence I can make a significant change seem insignificant on the p test and vice versa if I wanted to.
This is probably why I always default back to the tried and tested 'do more, eat less' strategy since within reason this always works!!!!!

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:30


If nothing else it shows that the benefits, if any, are tiny so really not worth the fuss.The big takaway from this was the loss in lean muscle mass of the fasted group as most people suffer from too little muscle.Lose fat, not muscle!

The internet is mostly full of sh*te and the problem is people see lots of things saying the same thing so assume it must be correct.Sadly crap spreads faster than truth.Here is a good little article, on subject, that covers some of this:

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:31

I was reading up on artificial sweeteners today and came across articles decrying the use of aspartamine.(Aspartamine is the amino acid asparagine and found in protein supplements, not a sweetener at all.)But once someone has misspelled aspartame once it quickly proliferates

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:31

T5 has to be tapered and cycled.. Stay away from medicines like that, no good will come of it, you need to learn about exercise and diet..
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