£11 worth of food for 2 people for 4 days?
Anyone have any suggestions?Apparently money doesn't grow on trees. buy some fish and leaven bread . Fish? is he made of money..
8 cans of soup = £6
Loaf of Bread = £1
Box of Cereal Milk
Might see you through Possibly achievable assuming you can cook. You could buy frozen or canned prepared food but I would be against that on the basis high salt and sugar content will give your body cravings
A bag of uncooked supermarket own-brand rice or pasta should last a few days for example and then buy cheap again like frozen veg
Or go completely student and eat nothing but instant noodles for four days. Go to an asian supermarket for the cheap and good stuff (albeit no worthwhile nutritional value), bachelors noodles for 80p a pop is quite expensive £11 for 4 days was a luxury shopping budget when I was a student!
Breakfast - Porridge - Tesco 550g porridge oats - 1 x £0.55
Sultanas - £0.60
Lunch - Sandwich
Tesco Every day value loaf - 1 x £0.47(you can swap this for value pitta if you like £0.20 per pack of 6)
Filling: Tuna (tesco value) 185g - 4 x £0.54 = £2.08
Sweetcorn 3 x £0.33 = £0.99
Tesco Every day value Spagetti - 500g 3 x £0.24 = £0.72
Sardines in tomato - 3 x £0.42 = £1.26
Tomato Passata - 3 x £0.29 = £0.87
Tinned Peas - 3 x £0.14 = £0.42
4 pint full fat milk (for calories) £1.14
Value chicken noodles 8 x £0.11 = £0.88
Tesco delight - 2 x £0.35 = £0.70
Total: £10.68
Probably a much healthier diet than 99% of people as well! Plenty of protein, good fats and even managed to get in some veg. Is it meant to be for 4 adults or two adults 2 kids?is it only 4 dinners or are you expecting breakfast from it too? If money is tight then take from the land.Plenty of free rabbit,mushroom,berries and seafood etc etc etc around.
Use the £11 to buy bread. Intermittent fasting, it's the only way to go  You've been watching Horizon, yes?