Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:19

Sorry, didn't mean to confuse things. There is so much varying information about it can be hard to get your head around things and sift out the BS from the good advice.

It's not because they are big's how they got big. Apart from all the hard-ass training obviously 
The carbs are really there to properly fuel intense training sessions and it works. I've changed my diet to be more like theirs and I can feel the difference in energy levels and my progress.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:20

Been having this conversation at work today as one of the boys has the same issue. We likened increasing from 2500 to 3500 cal's in a day, to taking your deadlift from 5 to 6 plates. You're highly unlikely to do it first go, build up slowly so 2750 for a couple of weeks, then 3000. Much easier to take smaller steps than massive leaps! 

Steve Kelly Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:21

Dudes, I had over 3,700 cals yesterday!!No sweat!!
...Granted, 1,000 of those was from a (quite horrible) Waitrose thin/cripsy pepperoni pizza!
but still, tiny steps and all that!

Today, on non workout day (where I would have 3 shakes over the course of the day, instead of just the 1, I plan on having on non-workout days), is where I will struggle!
I'll post on my other post, as have some questions on some stuff for my new program (including this food stuff)

Desmo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:22

Yep, just keep adding it slowly and, more importantly, consistently. I'm also quite a small 4'11" 8st wife will easily eat more than idea where she puts it all :/

I've managed to increase my intake by just slowly adding more and more food over the years. It's taken some time and on occasion it will slip a little but in the main I've had quite a decent increase. Probably still not enough for maximum gains but then I mainly train for fun rather than trying to get super huge 

Steve Kelly Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:23

yeah sounds like same sort of path I'm likely to take
this time round I mean to stay doing it indefinitely, I'm not in any rush, so I can increase both my training and food steadily and more consistently.

Spudhead Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:23

Sorry to sway this thread off course a little, but has anyone tried Syntha 6 isolate?

Kailash Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:24

i bought some SIS recovery
SiS REGO Rapid Recovery Protein 1.6kg Chocolate - Science In Sport

my first powder. i was eating crap and milkshakes anyway after cycling so..
this seems like good stuff
what about the 30min rule, surely it wouldnt matter too much if you drank an hr after?

middleweight Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:25

Lol 30 min rule, old myth
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