IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:03

That part of the conversation should be read as :

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:03

My protein sell powders that are just one ingredient rather than pre-mixed (they do make some blends too) so you can buy just whey protein, or just creative etc so don't get all the extras. I personally make my own post work out blend using my protein products and that way I know exactly what is in it.

Steve Kelly Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:03

Ah, I get you now. So you mean like the mixes that supposedly bulk you up quicker, with loads of carbs added, etc.

That's good then, I thought I was gonna need to be buying the £70 tub of 'premium' protein stuff!!

Myprotein it is! 

MarkR Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:03

I use myprotein all the time. I use HurricaneXS which has really good mix of everything (Chocolate smooth is the best). I do try to eat a healthy diet where I have chicken, steak etc... but I find that Hurricane XS 'supplements' this well. Since I started training about 14 months ago I have gained 2 and half stone in muscle gain.

They actually have a 25% discount on XS if use 'SIZE'.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:03

has any one sued matric - as they seem cheap too... tho, I normally use myprotein too...

I#ve used olympus in the past but never again...

sevenxl77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:04

GoNutrition for me. The guy who runs it used to own MyProtein before selling to The Hut group.
Products are great and the service is the best around imo.

MarkR Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:05

Looks great, thanks for the link. Obviously the guy is doing something right especially with the huge success of myprotein.

sevenxl77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:06

I genuinely believe they are the best out there.
First and foremost the products are great quality - what you see is what you get, secondly and this is important to me but not all, it's the best tasting protein I've ever had, loads of different flavours.
Let me know if you buy from them and I'll pm you a code for extra protein (if that's allowed)

MarkR Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:06

Thanks, I will do just that. 

Next time I'm getting low I will ask one of the advisors for a like for like product and give it a go. Probably won't be for another 4 weeks as only ordered last week.

Steve Kelly Publish time 26-11-2019 05:41:07

Ok, just gonna order from myprotein, and wondering whether it's worth paying the extra 25% for Impact Whey Isolate over Impact Whey Protein.

From what I can gather, the isolate gives you (roughly, flavour-dependent) 90% protein per serving, rather than (roughly) 80% per serving for the standard whey.
Plus it has also next-to-no carbs/fat per serving...
And therefore, has less calories per serving.

Everyone's requirements are different of course.For me, I am fairly athletic build, and even at my slobbiest I am generally only around 10% BF, so 'shedding fat' is not much of a consideration/factor for me.
I would rather have the calories.
So given that, and the price difference, I conclude that I should just go with standard whey protein.

Does that sound about right?

PS just to note, this is supplementary only. I eat good/pretty clean, lots of protein.
I have one of these shakes post-workout, and then a casein shake before bed, on workout days, and that's about it. oh and one in the morning before I leave for work if I'm particularly sore.
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