BigStu1972 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:02

Strange things you see in the gym

For the last 7 years I have been fortunate to have had access to a work Gym which has meant that I knew most of the people that trained in it. This also meant that people tended to behave themselves. Since leaving my previous employment I have had to join the local high street gym and it’s been a real eye opener with regards the characters I’ve seen in there.
Obviously every gym has it’s posers, you know the type who constantly look in the mirror and walks around like they are carrying carpets under their arms even if they have no lats. Then there’s the guys who, after every set, check their mobile phone like they’re expecting a call from there heavily pregnant wife any minute to tell them that she has gone in to labour. What surprises me even more is that these guys put there highly valuable phones on the floor in between sets. One guy I saw in the gym today had his Samsung S6 (curve) in between his legs whilst he was squatting. This phone had no case on it either (because he obviously wants everyone to know what phone he has) nuts.
Then today I saw the strangest thing ever today. A guy came in to the gym wearing trousers and a shirt (slightly odd in itself) and proceeded to do 1 arm, 1 rep, dumbbell curls (again very odd). In between sets he sat down and pulled a dozen choc bars out of his pocket and ate one. He did this for every set of 1 rep, 1 arm dumbbell curls, of which he did 5 sets so that’s 5 bars of chocolate eaten. Afterwards he just got up and left.

So what strange things have you witnessed in your gym

Wardy257 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:03

I could write a 5000 word post on this subject just based on this week!!

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:04

yes, I think we have a thread already on this subject... but there is one guy at our gym... I do a feel a bit sorry for him as he doesn't seem all there - but he doe train at least a couple of times a week and has done for a couple of years... 

however, I've only seen him broke into sweat once - he never excerts himself at all and seems to be just going through the motions (he's hardly raised the actual weights since he started)... his crunches are a joke, he'll raise his knee a few seconds before moving his body... and he'll also go onto the treadmill for about 5 minutes where he'll walk backwards and sidways etc - but this always makes him chuckle, almost reminds me of donnie darko... 

Mr_Wistles Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:05

I pay no attention to anyone else in the gym, I am there to workout and that is all.

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:06

I don't even know anyone called Gym....

FZR400RRSP Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:07

We used to get a group of blokes come in wearing caterpillar boots, multi-coloured jogging bottom type things, vests and bandanas.
All they did was loose weights, and they used to drop the things all the time (despite signs saying not to).
Ridiculous looking and a pain in the backside.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:08

Had a fella watching me whilst doing accessory exercise tonight, several blokes there well into comp prep for various BB shows and my training partner prepping for England's strongest u105. He literally stood there watching my every move because I'm a big bloke like him!

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:09

Curling in the squat rack!

Abbeygoo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:10

I tend to keep myself to myself and avoid eye contact.

For the reasons people have alluded to here, I avoid the weights section when it's busy as there are some very judging looks.

Nobody really has any idea what other people's objectives are, what event they are training for, what injuries they have etc etc so I tend to keep my focus on myself and leave.

Miss Mandy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:37:11

There's a guy who I often see in my gym that works out in a proper collared shirt, cargo shorts and sandals. He also stops for a chocolate bar between each bit of equipment. He goes on the bike for a hit, stops for a choc break, then jumps on the rower, has another chocolate bar and after a final stint on the bike again, leaves with a choc bar in his hand!
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