blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:54

Very variable isn't it? It does depend on the local shops available and personal choice. To some people food is just sustenance - to others it is the highlight of the day. I don't think anyone can say others choice is wrong in any way. Live and let live. One thing is for sure - it is all getting more and more expensive!

arenaman Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:54

I've seen big savings since I made some changes, the butchers is half the price of the supermarkets for meat and I've found I can get better quality products for less at Aldi and Wilko for toiletries

DVD-Man Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:54

2 adults 1 toddler.

Spend 45 to 70 per week.

Xmas shop was 145 though, not 100% food but easily 95% we treat ourselves once a year. Oh and maybe similar next week LOL

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:54

Haha, no, we do get a lot of frozen and tinned food though. Of course it's not as good as fresh produce but we always make loads of different dishes, plus wastage in very minimal.

Biggest roadblock for us is the takeaways which is 2 min walk away. Pretty much everything is available. That's probably £10 a week

As I now work for John Lewis, my discount for waitrose will kick in soon enough so I want to try and see if I can shop there (keeping it in the partnership) but even with the discount, I can't see it being cheaper than our Tescos shop

Hillskill Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:54

Odd like for like I've never found waitrose dearer. Sure when you talk about tesco value stuff perhaps yes, but that is no longer comparing like for like.

DIYlady Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:54

We are spending around £150 a week between 2 adults, 1 toddler and 1 baby. Thats about £50 more then I initially was happy with but we all eat every meal here. Breakfast, lunch and dinner! Back when I worked in London I spent most of my career having lunch paid for by work. Runners would deliver food to the value of a fiver for lunch and a tenner for dinner. As the years rolled on that stopped so I was easily doing around a tenner a day. Now that I work from home I am definitely better off in terms of expenses but I still think I could save a bit more what I am currently laying out. @dejongj I am a member of Costco too but I rarely take advantage of it. I must try and plan more. I see all the great deals on meat but almost always end up buying loads of toiletries and hot chicken wings!

SBT Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:55

Absolutely agree with this.In fact if anything I'd go further and say that for the same money the quality, particularly of fruit and veg, is better at Waitrose.I do use the local butchers for meat though if anything this is more expensive.I don't really know how much I spend on food each week; it's just too variable and in any case is all mixed up with other household items

Chadford Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:55

I'm going to give waitrose a try as I've heard they're essentials range is very good too

yoshi8 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:55

I'm on my own and still spending around £200 a week on food.
Now I know why i'msuch a fat bastard 

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 26-11-2019 05:36:55

Disagree, Waitrose is a fine a shopping experience (I was there today) the fresh produce is dreadful, everything is past it's best pretty much before you buy it.

I have a Morrisons locally and it's amazing, caters for the less wealthy 'classes', makes Waitrose look a bit grubby, the range of 'fresh' veg is astounding.

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