bluedroog Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:58

Best protein shake for me?

Hi Guys,

I'm not a breakfast person, I know I ought to be but I'm just not. A while back a relative who has tubs and tubs of supplements gave me one of those protein shake powder tubs and I found it very convenient to have as a breakfast, certainly better than skipping the meal all together and keep me satisfied longer in to the day.

I've put on a bit of weight recently and would like to purchase a tub of protein shake powder as I found before it really kept me at a stable weight, I realise in excess and having it in addition to ones usual diet it will have the opposite effect but I found myself snacking less.

I just don't know what I'm really looking for though and could do with some recommendations as it appears they are not all created equal and some will contain carbohydrates which for my needs I should avoid.

I've seen this one on Amazon but I am a little weary as it isn't a brand I'm familiar with and I'm well aware Amazon reviews are not always what they seem.

Also are there any other weight loss supplements or appetite suppressants which actually work and are not dodgy? I think I'll just got with the shakes but if I'm missing a trick a heads up would be great.

I'm well aware burning more calories than consume and a balanced diet is the healthiest way but could just do with a boost with fast results as my clothes aren't fitting! and I tend to succeed when I see results fast.


BAN5HEE Publish time 26-11-2019 05:28:59

Have a look at the link below I can highly recommend them. They taste great and also doesn't cause any bloating which is always a winner!
I use the the Diet Whey Isolate after training and the Night time fuel when I go to bed. You can have them with either Milk or water and they still taste great.

Morning Proteins

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:00

have a look at myprotein too...

tho, personally I'd have a bowl of porridge instead..
I'm currently having a bowl of tesco oats -
Tesco Easy Oats Apple And Blueberry 312G - Groceries - Tesco Groceries

with a tablespoon full of peanut butter (I bought a load when they were 99p...)
Meridian Peanut Butter Smooth 100% Nuts 280G - Groceries - Tesco Groceries

and 1-2 bananas...tho, not sure they'll help you lose weight... 

sevenxl77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:00

In last few years I've used either The Protein Works or Go Nutrition and the flavours are certainly nice but.......

About 3 months ago I stopped taking them altogether. I've not noticed any difference in terms of weight or strength.

My advice to you or anyone would be to go for real food at breakfast. I know you mention convienance but how long does eggs on toast take? The benefits of that meal far out way 15 mins saved by drinking a shake imo.

bluedroog Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:00

It isn't just the making of breakfast, I did eat porridge for a while but just had my fill of it. It is more the fact I just don't really feel like eating in the morning even if I am hungry, takes my stomach a little longer to wake up!

I appreciate the alternative advice but I just know this has worked for me in the past and I actually quite enjoyed the protein shakes in the morning.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:00

yeah, everyone is different, I was making variations of protein bars for a few years, but saw avideo on porridge, peanut butter and bananas - and this currently works for me 

nicholasporison Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:00

i usually drink banana shake with dates

blue max Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:01

Get a lot of dates do you? Not sure that's how I'd spend them though 

nicholasporison Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:01

lol. mixing dates and banana seems a good combination

call of duty 45 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:29:01

Steak and eggs for breakfast !! handful of nuts ! overnight oats google it ! you need food not drinks ------loads of info on net >>>
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