raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:58

My Mum made great....

Blast from the past thread , old time favourites you may of not had since you were a kid. A childhood favourite your mum used to make ? Maybe you still make it but have updated it for your family ?

Spam Fritters , simple fun to make and still tasty for me , with another old favourite from my childhood in Bubble & Squeek, some Heinz bake beens on the side and this simple meal is classic childhood comfort food.

Simple , tasty and completely what I should not be eating  at my age .

Barbs77 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:59

Why shouldn't you eat it? Food should be a pleasure and if it brings back memories.

Good pan of Scouse with pickled red cabbage. Although maybe not at 7.40 am.

Theydon Bois Publish time 26-11-2019 05:24:59

Currant cakes. Oh, the memories of fingers in the bowl eating the dough...

Flashy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

My mum still makes an excellent beef casserole. Possibly my favourite meal.

Her Christmas dinner also deserves special mention.

DJT75 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

My grandmother & mother made the best meatloaf, served with dauphinoise potatoes & cream of tomato soup as the gravy. It was an old American recipe and every time I make it for guests they are blown away & think the tomato soup idea is utter genius.

Pawson6844 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

Yorkshire puddings! Biggest things you've ever seen. Amazing

Wahreo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

Beef olives.

I can still hear her tenderising the beef by whacking it with a mallet. Then a layer of English mustard is spread on one side, a sliced gherkin and rasher of steaky fatty bacon. It's then rolled up and held together with a cocktail stick and slow cooked in gravy.

I'm getting emotional now.

Flashy Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

If we're including grandmothers, my maternal one made the most amazing beef pie. Pastry from scratch.

I'll never forget the smell walking into the house, nor the disappointment if ithat smell wasn't there as we walked in.

This thread's definitely taken an emotional turn.

Wahreo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

My grandad used to make amazing cheese straws. That's my weakness, I have have no self control when it comes to them.

He used to add the cheese to the pastry and then add further cheese between two sheets of pastry so that it would ooze out and go crispy then used to sprinkle Parmesan on top before baking.

I never forget as a child, pulling out a single cheese straw and the cheese oozing out would mean you'd get about 4 stuck together. A cheesy kit Kat if you will.

Very sad when you look back at those who are no longer with us and miss their ways.

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:00

As am I , we make beef olives at least once a month , your mum has or had great taste as we still make em almost exactly the same give or take . Maybe a lil garlic or such with a lil panchetta . Always cooked in home made onion gravy with a tad of Worcestershire Sauce .
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