Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:13
Ok this is from memory, hopefully not missed a step!
500g diced beef
2-2.5kg maris piper potatoes
3-4 leeks
3-4 carrots
Button mushrooms
Gravy browning
Celery salt
2 oxo cubes
1/2 to 3/4 fill large deep pan/cast iron casserole dish with water, place on hob and start to heat
Cut leeks, mushrooms, carrots and add to pan. Add meat to pan.
Decent punch of salt, teaspoon celery salt, one oxo cube, gravy browning to colour(can add anytime)
Leave to simmer 2 hours
Peel and chop potatos into small chunks
Add to pan, add another oxo and punch salt, simmer for an hour or so.
Potatos should start to crumble, need to almost mash them to thicken up the scouse
Season to taste
As I say, loads of different recipes, used to use onions instead of leeks but prefer taste from leeks. No doubt someone else who can make scouse will think my recipe is nuts as is the way up here! 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:14
Guess lots of people would turn their noses up these days but my mum used to do me a plate of fried kidneys and double fried, home made chips, in a proper chip pan.
Kidneys in pies go horrible and crumbly but fried they have a lovely texture.
I loved them as a kid
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:25:15
As a kid I used to think my mum was a good cook, but then only had school dinners to compare her to. Since cooking for myself I now know my mum is a rubbish cook. 
And as for kidneys, my missus does a wicked devilled kidney. 