Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:40
I don't know your history with diets or gym workouts, so I'll leave you with this, if you crash diet, you will likely loose the weight albeit, but the likely hood is you'll put it back on within 12 months, so slow and steady and sustainable is always best, granted the results won't come as quick, but there more chance of them lasting if done slow and correct. 
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:40
Ok, i'm not a nutritionist. And looking at your list I don't believe it is giving the right values. They seem too low in sugar for what you are eating.
1g of sugar- 4 calories
1g of fat - 9 calories
So according to your list your day had 592 calories from sugar and 351 calories from fat.
That is 943 calories.
Now you can't cut those out, but you can make healthier choices which will dramatically drop your Calories intake and make it easier to create a calorie deficit.
I'd drop everything that comes out of a packet and has more than 5 ingredients in it.
I'd also go with porridge oats for breakfast and a banana. The rest are chock full of unessential sugar.
For the lunch, get rid of it and keep the apple. In fact if possible, swap the dinner for the lunch so you have a bigger lunch and a smaller dinner.
With the dinner, get rid of the rice and replace it with a wholemeal rice or pasta. I love those things but I do wish I could get away from any wheat or grain product as the body doesn't process them very well an you don't get much out of it.
For snacks, a handful of nuts.. once a day. And go with a least double your water. Try to get 2 litres in.
Get into the habit of looking at food labels, the ingredients list must name the largest ingredient first and the least amount ingredient last. And sugar goes under about 50 different names.
True Romance
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:40
Thanks guys. As you can guess work life gets in the way which makes things difficult. Gym classes are 6:30am so trying to fit breakfast in before as well as walking the dog is a pita. Doesn't help I'm a very funny eater. Will take your advice on board and see what changes I can make. Weight loss as been around 0.3kg per week so not a crash diet just been feeling very tired the last week or two hence looking at my calorie intake.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:40
0.3kg is a good amount but, I wouldn’t get too fixated on your weight, unless you’ve got a boxing weigh in!
Concentrate on your fat / muscle percentage.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:41
big kudos to getting back in the gym. consistency is king.
True Romance
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:41
Well still sticking with it. Now do 5 classes a week and feeling much fitter. Struggling with my diet still but just trying to find the right balance. After my last post I tried increasing my calorie count to reduce fatigue but started gaining weight. Dropped back down and I know it my be a contentious issue but started taking whey protein after my workouts to boost my protein intake. Now my fitness levels have improved I'm considering starting weight training to start building muscle mass.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:41
Just be aware that whey protein can cause bloating.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:41
And if you feel a little fatigued before a workout, try a caffeine shot.
Only two supplements have been proven to work, caffeine and creatine.
True Romance
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:41
Been recommended creatine from a guy at work who is seriously into body building.
Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:42
Yeah this stuff is okay, in my experience alot of years back it did increase my energy levels, but according to my better half my temper also, your body will retain more water whilst on creatine, which obviously will lead to weight gain you generally have to load up on it over a course of a week and then maintain the levels there after.
Hope this helps .SIM12
Just to add if memory serves I gained about 8 lbs of weight in 3 weeks on the stuff.