shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:27

Well done mate, you are making real progress.
I've changed my training from strength training to circuit based training. It's bloody hard work and my dodgy joints and pressed nerves are letting me know all about it but they are just going to have to adapt and improve.

bubs999 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:28

I've found this to be a good home session, only takes 20 minutes and really gets the heart rate up

20 Burpees
20 squats
20 reverse lunges (alternative leg each time)
10 pushup's
10 crunches

Rest for 60 seconds and repeat for 5 times

True Romance Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:29

Fourth day at the gym classes this morning. Can't say it's getting any easier and my legs are so weak. Can walk for miles but these classes turn them to jelly!

Really trying hard to count my calories and eatting under my target but seem to be gaining weight which is becoming a little frustrating.

booyaka Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:30

It's only been a week - how can you be gaining weight?

Stay off the scales. Don't get on scales for a month. If your eating less than your body needs, and going to the gym, there is no way you should be gaining weight.

Post up a few days of your eating - be honest. Eat clean, no sugar, no alcohol, lots of water.

True Romance Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:31

Would building muscle mass add weight? Not that I'm becoming Mr universe but guess now I'm using muscles that have not worked hard for a long time are they starting to change??

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:32

Probably not after only a week, but as suggested, your body will fluctuate on a daily /weekly basis, up and down, so look at weighing yourself as a long term project, not something to compare day to day.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:33

yeah, I think the mistake that a lot of beginners make (myself included!) is that they start off too hard and your body isn't used to it...

if the DOMS are that bad - think about using less weights and making sure your technique and form is spot on...

what routine are you doing in your class..?

have a look at a decent beginners routine and stick with that for 6months...maybe even look at the 5x5, or the push, pull, leg routine...tho, not sure off the top of my head they're aimed at beginners... but you should just be doing the basics anyway, and not stuff like bicep concentration curls etc... 

True Romance Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:34

Not suffering aches and pains now but struggling with some of the excersices. They do let you go at the own pace so if you need a rest you can or for example if there is push ups you can do these on your knees. The classes are basisly JD Gyms version of a stripped down Les Mills body attack. Get in lines and complete 2 x 45 seconds and 1 x 30 seconds with 15 seconds rest inbetween then move onto the next excersice. Usually around 6 different excersices.

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:35

stick at'll pay off... 

True Romance Publish time 26-11-2019 05:12:35

Well another class this morning, first time with this instructor. Proper slave driver but need that push so enjoyed it.

This is the end of my second week and I'd like to say it's getting easier but it's not. However now starting to feel a lot better so think it's starting to pay off.

Using "my fitness pal" app has been an eye opener. Amazed what calories are in some of the foods I've been eating  Certainly changing what I'm eatting going firward. Can essly see how just one meal could blow your daliy limit.

Ordered a compression top to try and stop my fat moving around while doing certain excersices as it's uncomfortable. Determined to get fit just hope my motivation doesn't wain.
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